Ch. 2

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"-she's far too young."

"I understand that, auntie. What I'm saying is, why the hell do you have her here!? In our house! On my bed!" another frustrated voice screamed.

"Mijo! Lengua! Watch your tongue before I wash it for you," the womanly voice scolded. "She is going through a lot of stress. A mountain. She is staying her so I can help her climb it. And besides, about the bed. I hope you know that you will have to be sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Auntie," the male voice whined.

I held my head, I felt like I was too sick to even sit up. But considering that two people were arguing in the room, I wanted to get out as soon as possible. Their voices weren't helping my intense headache. God, it was like my cranium was a drum and they were whacking at me with sticks.

I tried to stand but someone let out a scream. 

"Mija, you are awake," a soothing voice said. I met the eyes of an elder woman with light, olive skin. She had a very thick accent and somewhat familiar way of acting. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Do I know you?" I said groggily. By asking one question, I was suddenly curious about other things too. How long was I here? How did I get here? Were these people going to kill me?

"Stop freaking out. You're here cuz my aunt is too generous for her own good. So, seeing as how you're healthy, get out." a very stern voice commanded.

I looked into the black eyes of a sturdy looking man. He had a five o clock shadow, a permanent scowl on his face and was tall. His arms were slightly bigger than what they should have been, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

"See, auntie. She's delusional, staring at me like a pervert. Can she leave now?" he grumbled, putting a hand on his aunt's shoulder.

Why is this man insulting me with a worried look on his face? I glared at him but he was too busy staring at his aunt to notice.

She dismissed him, waving her hand. "De ninguna manera. No way, no how. If she's delusional, that gives her all the more reason to stay. Coffee, mija?" she asked me with considered eyes.

I swallowed, just at the mention of a beverage. "Yes, please." But then I remembered that these people could have been killers so I raised my hand like I was in a classroom.

She giggled. "Yes?"

"Never mind. I'll...I'll just be leaving."

"What!" she said, shaking her head rapidly. "No, no. You are sick."

I held back a retort. "I think I know how I feel."

"Really? Then what do you remember? What do you feel, about me? Uhh, I mean." The man's cheeks turned a different color and then I suddenly felt angry.

"I mean, what do you feel about me, as in, are you emotionally stable. Like, are you on your period." He slowly started to look at his aunt with a pleading glance.

"Just tell her, if she remembers then she remembers. If she does not, then she does not."

I was starting to get nervous, so I sat down on the sofa. What the hell was this handsome guy going to tell me?

"I.....used to be really close with you. And um, well. We dated. Sort of. And um, we broke up." he clamored, scratching the skin at the back of his neck. He leaned against the wall and focused on a spot on the floor as he spoke. I was wondering if he dated the spot or me, really. But this was all like a smack in the face.

Why couldn't I remember this man who claims to have dated me?

"Who broke up with who?" I asked slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2012 ⏰

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