Chapter 2

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Jimin's P.O.V.

After the weird and embarrassing encounter between Jungkookie and Y/N, we arrived at the mall. As Namjoon was parking I saw the same blue convertible from earlier and wondered if I'd see that guy again. Once we were inside Jungkook and I went to check out the store YesStyle that just opened, Namjoon and Y/N went to ThinkGeek, while Yoongi went to look for a new neck pillow and laptop.

"Kookie look at those skirts!" I pointed at the skirt section as we stepped inside the store, I pulled him towards the back of the store. I looked at him with a pink plaid skirt, "You think this will look good on me?"

"Min you look good in any skirt ,but try it on so you know you'll like it on yourself."

I nodded and looked for a couple of more skirts, heading towards the shirts section. I saw a cute sailor moon crop top along with cropped turtleneck shirts. After I found some shirts to go with the skirts, I went to the changing room and closed the door locking it, I set the clothes down and took oof the clothes I had on. I tried on the pink plaid skirt with the sailor moon shirt, I walked out to Kookie to get his opinion on it.

"What do you think Kookie?" he looked up from his phone and looked me up and down before looking at my face nodding. "It looks good on you, but do you like it?" I looked at the body mirror to see how it looked on me, I turned my body to the side smiling at myself.

"I like this a lot, I think I'm gonna just buy it all," I went back into the changing room and changed back into my clothes. I grabbed all the skirts and shirts heading towards the makeup section looking for new lip tints.

"JIn can't we go and get food already? You've been dragging us store to store," I looked to the entrance of the store to find the person the deep voice belonged to. I saw the guy who owns the blue convertible, he looked at me and winked. I looked away blushing hard, Jungkook came over to me and waited for me to finish.

"What's got you all blushy Min? You look like a tomato," I hit him playfully blushing harder.

"I-It's nothing Kookie, j-just some blush I sampled," I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering. Continuing to browse through the lip tints hoping he'd fall for my lie. "You saw a cute guy didn't you? That's why you're all blushy and you don't wear blush Min? You look like a tomato," I hit him playfully blushing harder.

"I-It's nothing Kookie, j-just some blush I sampled," I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering. Continuing to browse through the lip tints hoping he'd fall for my lie, "You saw a cute guy didn't you? That's why you're all blushy and you don't wear blush Min."

"Maybe I did see a cute guy but he probably doesn't like boys," I looked at the shimmery eyeshadows feeling a bit down at the thought. He nudged my arm smiling softly at me, I looked at him starting to smile a bit.

"You won't know unless you ask, who was the guy anyways?" I looked around the store to find the tattooed guy, finding him in the hoodie section with 2 other guys. Pointing at him, "The ash blonde with the tattoos on his neck and arms." Jungkook followed the direction I was pointing in and looked at the guy.

"Min you don't want to get mixed up with someone like him, that's Kim Taehyung. He's the schools fuckboy. He's known for dating girls then dumping them once he had sex with them."

I thought about what he said and looked over at the tattoo guy, he does look like a heartbreaker...but I won't know unless I see for myself. He caught me staring again and smirked at me, he said something to his friend before walking in Kookie and I's direction. I began to get nervous and went back to looking at the eyeshadow.

"Hey cutie couldn't help but notice you staring at me again, I know I'm beautiful." He chuckled running a hand through his hair making me a bit flustered. I looked down at the makeup hoping he didn't see me get all flustered. Taehyung grabbed my gently and lifted it towards him as he looked me in the eyes, "Don't hide that pretty face from me, I'm Taehyung by the way and you are?" I'm sure I looked like a cherry from all the blushing I was doing, I've never been so close to a guy like this before

"I-I'm Jimin," I stuttered looking him in the eyes. He let go of my chin smiling at me,"Well Jimin, I'd like to keep on touch with someone as cute as yourself." Taehyung took his phone out and handed it to me, still flustered I put my number in his phone while sending a text to myself. Handing him his phone back I took mine out saving his number.

Jin's P.O.V.

While i was looking through the hoodies, I noticed Tae wasn't with us. I looked around the store and found him talking to a boy with glasses and brown hair. I shook my head not approving of his player ways. Hobi put his phone in his pocket and looked at me, "Jin I'm gonna go buy some new airpods, mine are uh broke. I'll meet you and Tae in the food court," before i could say anything he was already heading out of the store. I looked back to where Tae was and walked over to him, "Tae leave these boys alone before I beat your ass, you know i will so don't try me."

"Jin calm your nips, I was just trying to get to know this cutie. Isn't that right Jimin?" He looked over to the blushing boy who was Jimin, he nodded looking at me. I hope Tae wasn't thinking about hurting him, he looked so innocent especially with the way he dressed.

"Well it was nice to meet you Jimin but me and Tae need to pay for my stuff," I grabbed Tae's wrist and pulling him to the check out counter. I put the clothes I picked out on the counter, the lady scanned each hoodie.

"Tae don't even think about it, he looks young and innocent. I won't let you hurt him like you did with the others."

"Jin relax, I was just having fun besides he's really cute." He smirked looking at me, I should bitch slap him for that. But I won't because I'm a classy bitch, I pay for the clothes and grabs the bags. We walked out the store heading towards the food court, "All I'm saying is if you hurt him, I'll put my foot up your ass. Now let's get some food, all that shopping has made me hungry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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