Chapter 12 ~ Clear and Sunny!

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(I like 2nd P.O.V. it's easier for me to write in. Hopefully I doesn't get annoying! I'll try incorporating a bit of 1st P.O.V if I can!)

Small Key:
(F/C) - Favorite color
(2/F/C) - Second favorite color
(F/A) - Favorite animal
~~~~ - Means time skip or switch

2nd P.O.V

Marco stood in front of the class with a a few pieces of chalk in his hands.

"Today I'd like for us to decide what we're going to do for the school festival! Each class has to do a snack stand and one other thing."

"We could maybe do tacos.." You whispered to no one in particular. Eren looked at you in disgust.

"What is wrong with you (Y/N), we should obviously do cheeseburgers!"

"No way Eren!"

"How about a maid cafe!"

You and Ymir both glared at Reiner. You cracked your knuckles threateningly and hissed aggressively.

"(Y/N) I'm starting to think you're related to a cat.."


"Our brass band club is already doing that so there's be two of them."

(Bro my kitten just took the stinkiest shit ever, hElP mE)

"Forget that, let's do a play! We've got a prince right here!" Jean proudly stood up out of his seat and pointed at his chest. You grumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What prince? All I see is a potential steed." The majority of your classmates laughed as Jean screamed in and flushed in embarrassment.

"Shut up (Y/N)!"

"Fine fine. But being serious here, our class doesn't have enough people to run two things simultaneously." Armin nodded his head in agreement.

"Some of us might have to participate in both."

"Mmm, yeah.."

Bertholdt raised his hand. "The highlight of the festival is the B-grade gourmet competition that all snack stalls have to participate in, right?"

"Oooo, that sounds interesting!"

"How about a stand for potatoes that are steamed just right?!"

"How about fried chicken instead?"

"Dudee, yes! Fried chicken!" You drooled as your stomach grumbled at the thought of the crispy meal. "I'd be up to fry it up too, I love making fried chicken!" Everyone seemed to be set on the idea of a fried chicken stall until Eren slammed his hands on his desk.


"We'll do cheeseburgers!"



"I'm really starting to see why Jean doesn't like you." You sighed sadly and slammed your head on your desk.



"This is finally our chance to let everyone know how magnificent chee-burgs are! I won't let this chance slip away!" While you let Eren have his 'moment' you shot Armin a sympathetic glance.

"Are you guys ready yet?!"

"Just a second Eren! It takes a while for a girl to get ready you know!"

"Hey guys I know it's almost time to start but why'd you have to choose Armin for this? Wasn't there anyone else who could of done this?" You asked as you swung your legs back and forth.

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