Chapter 6

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Harrison's POV

With a little push from Mum and Dad, I started going out with Camilla. It went as great as you think it would. I'm still not over Y/n...I don't think I ever will be but I had to forget about her. Dinner with Camilla was awkward, the complete opposite of how anything ever was with Y/n. I sat silently while she babbled on about herself. I zoned out during most of our conversations. Well, I wouldn't really call it a conversation since it was one-sided. Camilla didn't even bother to find out anything about me other than my inheritance. I'm not complaining though because I'm not interested in knowing anything about her.

The only person on my mind the whole night was Y/n. I wonder what she's doing right now. I can only picture her beautiful eyes that sparkle with passion whenever she talks about a new book she read. Her gorgeous smile flashed through my mind. The smile that I had grown to love. Even after a stressful day of work, the moment I saw that smile it was like everything else just melted away. She always wants to know if I was doing alright. She genuinely cares for me. She doesn't see Harrison Osterfield, the infamous playboy and heir to a multi-million dollar company. She sees me, Haz... for who I truly am. Sure, we didn't like each other in the beginning. I thought she was a grumpy and dorky prude and she saw me as a cocky fuckboy. One day, we were paired for a class project and we had to swallow our prides and get to work or else we would have failed our finals. The more time we spent together, the more our perspective on each other changed. Its cliché...I know...but it is what it is. I realised then that I had made a lifelong friend and I promised myself that whatever happened, she would always be my best matter what.

I was currently on my third date with Camilla. We were at a restaurant that belonged to a family friend. We were given a private room at the VIP section in the back. In the room, there was a red couch with a small table in front of it. I took my seat at one end of the couch, as far away from Camilla as possible. We just sat there quietly, occasionally sipping on our drinks. She and I could both feel the tension in the room, so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. I decided to just ignore it but Camilla however had grown tired of it and decided to take matters into her own hands. She stared at me intently, her eyes burning holes through the side of my head. I felt my palms grow sweaty under her gaze. She slowly scooted closer, while I gave her nervous smile. She shot me her classic seductive smile before straddling my lap. I looked at her with wide eyes as she leaned in, roughly pulling my lips towards hers. It was just like any other kiss if I'm being honest. I knew this because there was only one girl I wanted...Only one girl I needed. But the girl of my dreams didn't want me. As Camilla pulled back, she looked at me with her wide brown eyes, my own blue eyes as wide with lust. Fuck it, I thought as I pulled her back towards me. Maybe it was my blood that was drowning in the alcohol that I had previously drank or maybe it was just pure lust but I needed to forget. I knew I still felt the same but I needed to let Y/n go. I needed a distraction even though I knew Camilla was just a rebound. I was tired of being alone. I was tired of the tears. I just wanted someone to hold and Camilla was there. She was sparing some time to me...for whatever reason. If I couldn't get Y/n's love...If I couldn't get the taste of her lips then Camilla was the second best thing.

Our tongues tangled as we stripped each other of our clothes, which pooled on the floor beneath us. Blue-black marks were littered across her neck, my neck didn't look any different. Her deep red acrylic nails scratched similar coloured trails down my back and chest. Moans and grunts bounced off the walls in the small room. I was thankful for the loud music blasting on the speakers from the outside. We both finished...hips stilling as our chests heaved, it was over as soon as it had begun. Camilla got off me, picking her clothes up and redressing. She made her way to the door, swaying her hips teasingly at me. She looked over her shoulder, giving me a triumphant smirk before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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