Chapter Four: Protect the Base

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We finally got away from the kingdom, and we're now In the Forest were there was a hug field of purpler flowers.

"Thank you for helping me, Merlin." Red says, to him. With a smile.

"A pleasure, milady. But I also did it for us." Merlin says, and again I felt a twinge if jealousy causing my necklace to glow a bright green.

"By the way, what is this?" He asks her, and shows her a wanted sign with her on it.

"Gosh, it seems silly but...It's my shoes They're magical." Red says, and I thought she was gonna tell them the truth about who she really is but she didn't.

"I know, they're fabulous." Merlin says, but asks her again.

"But why're they after you?" He asks.

"No, my shoes, they're actually made of magic." she says.

"Red Shoes!" Arthur shouts, as he runs towards her.

"Are you a criminal?" he asks, but she shakes her head.

"No, of course not." she says, to him.

"I knew a girl this pretty couldn't possibly be a criminal." He says, to her.

"Look, we should head out now, there could be more guards around any minute." I say to them, as tied my hair up. Into a ponytail.

"Don't worry about them, I've got these bad boys." Arthur says, as he shows off his guns.

"This is gonna make it so much harder to find my dad." Red Shoes says, sadly.

"I have an idea!" Merlin says, as he looks towards the field of purple flowers. We all watched as Merlin ran through the field of flowers, making the purple petals fall down from the sky. I smiled as I reached my hand out.

When he was finished it was a copy of Red Shoes father. And said to contact at Risky Rock.

"Oh wow!" Red Shoes says, in amazement.

"What do you think?" Merlin asked, her with a smile on her face.

"That is amazing.Thank you." She says, bending down to his level. Merlin had flower petals all over him, and I watched as she leaned in and my heart was racing, 'Was she going to kiss him?!'

I was getting really jealous the most I've ever been, and I looked down at my necklace and I flowed a dark green, meaning I was extremely jealous. I looked down to the side, sadly.

"You had a thing on your cheek." Red Shoes said, to Merlin and when I looked back up the petals on his face were gone.

"Alright, let's go." She says, as she turned away. And we headed back towards the house.

[No ones POV]

"We've been walking for hours. And we'll keep walking 'till we find them." One of the goons said, as they walked towards the patch of flowers.

"Now we got her." The other goon says, looking down at the drawing in the patch of flowers. And turning away.

"Are they gone?" A little wooden bear, said.

"Shh. Who cares? C'mon. Let's go see." Another one said, as they emerged from a bush.

"Look at that." The other one said, as they looked at the drawings in the flower.

"Wow! Wow!" One bear said.

"Awsome!" The other said.

"Who's that?" One asked.

Merlin x Fem!Reader: [Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs]Where stories live. Discover now