Chapter Five: Merlined

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A/n; to be honest this movie is a real challenge to write a fanfic for cause, I wanna stay true and try it to take out so much stuff. But it's hard, we're are already almost done With this movie]

"Pino, Noki Kio, show us what you got." Merlin says, as he runs over towards a rope. We are putting the castle wooden front part of the house, back so we needed to attach some ropes to pull it.

"yeah, a little Oooh a little over here!" Red Shoes says, as we pull the rope, trying to find the right place. Then when we were done, we began too paint.

I was next to Merlin using white paint, when I felt someone looking at me, I looked to my side and saw Merlin staring up at me. He turned away to avoid my gaze, but I smiled. And went back to painting.

"Now that looks like a real home." Red shoes said, and I nodded.

"Yep. I could get used to that." Merlin says, looking at it.

"Uh uh. I cannot." Jack says, shaking his head as he looks at the castle woodwork.

[Time Skip]

"It's a perfect copy of my drawing. That's incredible." Red Shoes says, as she looks at the newly printed copy of picture she drew for her father.

"Let me try." Merlin says.

"This will definitely make it easier to find your dad." He says, looking up at her.

"Unfortunately, this thing aint flying." Pino says, looking at the wooden robot.

"It's grounded." Nico says.

"Why does it need to fly?" I asked Merlin.

"The posters are no good if we can't distribute them fast." Oio says, and I nodded.

"Guys, thankyou so much for everything you're doing." Red says, hugging the triplets. I walked over and grabbed the broom from the tree

[Time Skip]

[okay so you'll understand why I did this later in the chapter it might be confusing but just bear with me]

I told Red Shoes that Merlin and I would make sure we distribute the papers, and I gave her a rock. That would glow when me and Merlin were finished and would teleport her to the are we were in.

I smiled as we flew through the sky, making our way towards the village. To release the papers.

"Opening doors!" Pino says, as he opens the door releasing thousands even more of missing poster. Throughout the village.

"You know Merlin, I feel so lucky that I've met you." I said smiling.

"I feel the same way.I feel like anything is possible." Merlin says, and I smiled.

[this scene made cringe, cause it was the reverse scene from Titanic but instead of it being Red at the front like Rose was in the movie it was Merlin.]

I then closed my eyes, and wrapped my arms around his waist. My heart began too race again.

"Merlin! Watch out!" I shouted, and he looked forward and saw that we were about to hit a tree. Then we fell off out of the tree and onto the ground.

"Merlin." I said, no answer.

"Merlin." I said again.

"Merlin!" I shouted, snapping him out of his daze.

"Everything okay?" I asked, worried.

"Of course! Sure! Nothing to be embarrassed about." He said, nervously.

Merlin x Fem!Reader: [Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs]Where stories live. Discover now