Chapter Seven: Sacrifice

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A little angst towards the end but last chapter, there will be a bonus chapter. Later this week, I'll do multiple bonus chapters. About the after story and what's going down between Y/n and Merlin]

[Snow White POV]

"The shoes. You're wearing them." [Y/n] says, looking at me.

"I thought you left." I say to her.

"You should take them off again." She says, smiling at me.

"I can't." I said, to her sadly.

"You just had to make things complicated. Maybe this will help." She says, holding up an apple and smiled.

"Eat the apple, and they'll slide right off." She says, holding it out too me.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, her in shock.

"I want to help you, Snow White." She said, looking to the side.

"Red Shoes?" I turned around, and saw [Y/n] standing there.

"Y/n." I say, then I look back at the other [Y/n].

"Y/n?" I said, and then that [Y/n] the other one began too transform.

"What terrible timing you have." the other [Y/n] says, and then transforms into Regina

"We're gonna have to do this the hard way." She says.

"Regina?" I said, in shock.

"Such a tender family reunion. So sad we can't stay!" Regina says, then she grabs me and takes me away.

"Red Shoes!" [Y/n] shouts, as she tries to reach out for me.

[Y/n]'s POV

"Y/n! Y/n! What happened?" Merlin shouted, I turned back and looked at him with a worried look.

"I-it's Snow she was taken by Regina." I said, shaking when I saw her that woman. She was the one who cursed me I knew it.

"We have too go and save her" I said, and Merlin nodded getting onto the big rabbit.

"Come on, let's go, longears." Merlin says, then I look down and see the three little wooden bear running towards him. I get onto the rabbit with Merlin.

"Hey! Wait for us!" They shout, and I go over towards them.

"How 'bout you go back and get the others?" Merlin says, and they nod.

"And make lots of copies of this." He says, as he hands them his magic strips.

[Time Skip]

[No Ones POV]

"Eat this darling, and you'll get your freedom." Regina says, as she hold out an apple towards Red Shoes.

"Where is my father?" Red Shoes asks.

"Royal loyal little girl, pining for her papa?" Regina says, too her.

"This is getting a little boring, so I need you to take a bite, and I'll tell you." she says, lying.

"I won't let you win. You've torn apart my family, and you will not get away with it, Regina." Red Shoes says, confidently.

"Ooh, I'm so scared, Snow. Very well. A different approach." Regina says, smiling. Then looked towards the door. And tied up was Merlin and [Y/n]. Being held by branches.

Merlin x Fem!Reader: [Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs]Where stories live. Discover now