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(For those of you who already read this, I made an edit at the bottom)

I know this is different from my usual content, but I'm sure that you all know about the situation that's going on right now. Even if you're not from America, you might have heard about it on the news.

Anyways, as a black person I felt like I should say something regarding what's been going on. First of all I hope everyone is staying safe during these times. It really upsets me to see race continue to divide people in this country, and I hope that you all agree with me that it needs to stop. Everyone deserves to be treated equally, and I hope that I'll live to see the day when they are.

If you can, donate, sign petitions, educate others on the situation and anything you else you can think of. No one is too young or to small to make a difference. It's time that we all stand together instead of tearing each other apart.


Edit: After posting this I was on twitter, and I have to say I'm really disappointed in army right now. Racist army on twitter are saying they don't want to see posts about black lives matter because it's "too negative". I feel ashamed to even call myself an army right now. Racism is a real thing that's happening in our world right now, and no matter how small your platform is, if you don't speak up then you're part of the problem  

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