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A/N this song suits the vibe of the chapter: THE 8 - 那幕 (Falling Down)

People stared in awe as they watched the flesh being torn apart of the 2 young men. Some screamed. Some cried. Some tried to help. But it was too late. Too late for the young boys who didnt fully think their plans through, nor did they truly understand the concept of death. 

The boys were being ripped apart by their once biggest fear. And nobody could go in to help them. The elephant seals are too dangerous for them to handle. The boys were being dismantled. Limb by limb. And their screams of pain were heard for miles.

When the ambulance finally arrived the 2 boys were just shreds. Unrecognisable.

Meanwhile at the house~

"What the fuck is this?"  Minghao screams, devastated and mad at the same time.

"No Seokmin-" Seungkwan mutters while sobbing

"Wh-Why would he overdose" Joshua says, tears streaming down his face.

On the bed layed Seokmin, pale and limp. His eyes closed and his hand holding the pill bottle which caused his death. Nobody knew why the seemingly always happy boy had commited suicide but they were all determined to find out and avenge their brother.


the home telephone rings and Seungcheol goes to answer it.

" yes this is their home.......wait what do you mean?.....................................are you sure?...............o okay thank you goodbye-" Seungcheols face turns pale as he puts down the phone..

"what happened Cheol?" Jeonghan asks, concerned.

"Soonyoung and Gyu....they're- they're-"

"what are they Cheol?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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