Chapter 27: Confessions

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I dashed into Aria's bedroom and was immediantly heartbroken. I had never seen her in such an awful state...something really bad must have happened. I stood there, not knowing what to say or do as my girlfriend literally fell into pieces right before my eyes. She was hugging her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth, and sobbing her eyes out.

"Aria?" My heart was racing as fast as possible.

No words, she just continued to cry and scream. She was now covering her ears as I slowly made my way over to her and bent down carefully.

"Aria...hey, shhh..." I tried my best to comfort her in the horrible trance she was trapped in. Her body shook violently as more loud sobs and screams escaped her mouth. I grabbed her as gently as possible and softly ran my fingertips through her hair and down her back. She began trying as hard as she could to escape my embrace.

"Stop!" She screamed.



"No! Stop, let me go!"

"What's the matter? Just tell me what's wrong please," I begged.

"You don't love me!" She shrieked and I froze. What was she talking about?

"Aria, I have no idea why you would say that. I love you so much, you know that."

"No!" She screamed once again, "no you don't! I-I don't deserve you," she managed to get out in between sobs.

"Listen need to calm down okay? Everything is fine, I love you more than I have ever-"

"Ezra stop," she said in a montone voice rather than crying,

"Aria I-"

"Please, just be quiet for a second...please," she pleaded as more tears fell between her thick eyelashes.

I obeyed, and I held her closer to my chest as she winced. Not even a second passed before my shirt was suddenly soaked in tears. I didn't mind, though. Not at all. No more sound was made from her. No more screaming, no more sobbing, just painful silence as the tears constantly fell from her beautiful eyes. I did my very best to stay quiet, and luckily I was able to achieve that. I had so many questions, so many concerns, but I knew that what she needed right now was silence so silence was what I would give her. 

Time passed and Aria eventually cried herself to sleep in my lap. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to her bed where she would be more comfortable. I ever so gently placed her on the side I knew she preferred and climbed next to her where I continued to hold her.

I never planned on letting her go.


When I woke up, I was beyond confused. I felt Ezra's strong arms wrapped around me, and everything suddenly came back to me. Vivid images of what took place hours before filled my mind and I had the sudden urge to scream for what would have had to been the hundredth time that night. I turned my head towards Ezra, and he was wide awake.

"Have you been up all night?" I croaked and my throat burned.

He looked surprised to hear me speak-I was surprised as well. He blinked and nodded, not saying anything. I didn't blame him. I looked down and swallowed the lump in my throat, refusing to cry anymore.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Ezra asked me and I let out an unhumerous laugh.

"How could I forget?"

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