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( Hey Minna!!, or who ever reads this, arigatou for checkin on my first fanffic, your reward is a cute Kisa Ascthetic :D

-Vibra out, for now)

Kyoko Pov.

" I'm Home!" I yell excited to see my cute daughter, oop!, Wheres my manners! Im Kyoko Honda I use to be apart of a biker gang. I'm happy I stopped though- hold that thought.

"Welcome Home Mama! I made a rice ball for you!" a young Tohru Honda excitedly yells, running up to me holding a rice ball using both of her small hands.  This is why I stopped, to settle down have a family, saddly I'm an only mother, Tohru's dad died of pneumonia while on a business trip, I was depressed after that for a while but I made it through for Tohru.

No body's Pov.

Kyoko stuffed the rice ball in her mouth, not regretting anything ( I cant stuff any thing big in my mouth ;-:,  dirty minded, get your minds out of the gutters please) Kyoko hums in delight " This is delicious!!" then soulmates suddenly poped into Kyokos mind, thinking about how Tohru would be a great wife one day, hesitant to ask Kyoko says it any way." Hey sweetie, do you know what SoulMate's are?" Tohru looked at Kyoko Quizically, Kyoko takes that as a No and continues. " Soulmate's are like youre other half, and when you meet them you can see all the beautiful colors!" Kyoko says dreamily, missing her soulmate, but not wanting Tohru to leave her so quickly, she doesn't tell that you can write on yourself, practically talk to them. Tohru gasps more interested " I wanna meet my soulmate!!" she says ecstatic ( I think thats how you spell it)

Tohru Pov.

WOW. I wonder where my soulmate is? What do they look like? Are they a boy or a girl? Whats the time? Oh Its pajama time, yay maybe tomorrow I can meet my soulmate!! running, I ran into the kitchen grabing the two plates of food I made neatly on the counter next to the sink,running In the dining room where mom was already seated, I delicatly placed the plate infront of her, running,again, to the other side of the table and seating myself and placing my food infront of my, I classped my hands together, my mom copying my actions "itadakimasu!" We both said in unision, her voice is much deeper than mine. I ate in a flash, stoping some times to chew, so I dont choke on my food, I put the plate in the sink running to my room to put on my pajamas, I'm late to bed!!

Turning off the light I jump into my bed,getting comfy I let the dark vehicle take me to dream land.


Lights flash, covering my eyes with my hands I peak a little after the flash was gone and I see a boy with cat like gray hair, with gray eyes with a light hint to them , light colored skin, he's wearing a button up black pajama shirt and matching pants, looking closer I see a white blob on the right pocket side of the shirt that looked like a rice ball. I took my hands down, both of us stareing at each other, confused and in awe. I felt this werid feeling in my stomach, cheeks hearing up. What is this?

~Ending of her dream~

Toruh Pov ~present~

I woke up with a smile on my face, I already forgot my dream, What was my dream about to make me smile in my sleep though? Getting out of bed I walk over to my dresser getting my school uniform out, getting ready for school.



Tohru Honda:

GenderFemaleAge16Height161 cm / 5'3Weight46 kg / 101.4 lbsHair ColorBrownEye Color

Blood TypeOYearDogAstrological SignTaurus

Kyo Sohma:

GenderMaleAge16Height171.3 cm / 5'7"Weight56 kg / 123.5 lbsHair ColorOrangeEye ColorOrange Blood TypeACursed YearCatActual YearPigAstrological SignCapricorn

The Protagonists Info

Hope you guys like the First chapter , Anxiety, thats all I feel at the moment-

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