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Tohru Pov.

It's the 2nd day of school, I'm pretty excited for this school year and what might come of it! I've already made two friends one girl wears all black, face is almost  as white as snow, black hair, dark grey eyes, her name being Hanna, then there's Arisa she looks a lot like my mom, she sadly passed away from a car accident, she has long light grey hair, she rather would have long skirts, she also has light grey skin, dark grey eyes. I don't know why but I keep seeing this same shade of colored head, a boys head to be exact, I don't know why I keep seeing him though.

My friends haven't met their soul mates yet, so we all understand, surprisingly not a lot of people have found their soulmates. Which still brings me to the conclusion of more questions on my secret other part.

Kyo Pov.

Can't believe I have to hang out with this rat and the other annoying animals why do certain people in our family have these weird animal nick names? And why do we have such a big family? Why is some soulmates related in this weird family, and why am I disliked? And all these questions are piling up to the point it hurts my head. I keep spotting the back of a head of the same girl,at school,  I don't know why but her dark dark grey hair some how pops out from the rest.

( another short chapter, this story kinda feels rushed so I'll try  and not make it feel rushed..?)

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