Kurt x Reader

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Another sleepless night at the manor.

No matter how often you'd turn and toss, the matress wouldn't engulf you into the lost world of dreams and nightmares. It has been going on for a while. With every goodbye wave of the sun, you'd lay awake on the silky sheets, looking outside into the world. Unable to close an eye. This did not only affect your play style but also your mood as you were constantly annoyed and tired.

Today you decided to fight back the protest of your body. Not wanting to wait longer for the sandman to season your eyes with his glamorous powder, you took things in your own hands.

With your blanket wrapped around the body, you waddled down the stairs, carefully not to trip and break your dear neck. You remember yourself falling asleep well durring lectures and classes. Not only that but the good old documentaries which you managed to watch rarely at home, lulled you to sleep like a caring mother.

It was chilly outside of your room as the heating system sometimes turns itself off in the middle of the night. Your destiny though, promised a cozy wave of heat which would finally help you to regain your energy and peace for the next day.

As you carefully open one of the many doors, you caught yourself smiling in bliss as you were met with the smell of burnt wood and a hug of warmth from the fire place which was still alive and cracking.

Before grabbing a nice old book, you made sure to add two blocks of fire wood to keep Calcifer alive and happy.

You were darting from shelf to shelf. Grateful that the books were sorted neatly in their categories and alphabetical order. There was plenty to pick from yet you really wished for one which bore you to sleep immediately.

Eyes landing on a thick heavy architecture book, you cheered quietly as your insticts yelled at you for finding the right reading of dreams.

So there you sat, all cuddled up in your blanket, book opened at a random page, eyes trying to focus on the very small and thin letters which were aligned on each page along with example pictures to help the imagination go ham. Yet sadly, it only brought you a headache and muscle cramps from all the eye squinting you had to endure while attempting to read.

Just before you could throw down the heavy book from your lap in frustration, you heard the door slowly creak open. Immediately sitting up, you were met with a bed haired Kurt who just drowsily rubbed one of his eyes while giving off one of the biggest yawns you saw.

„(Y/N) ? Why are you not asleep in your room...?"

He lazily stepped his way over to your spot on the couch and plopped down next to you, taking one side of your blanket and hiding underneath it from the coldness he had to go through previously.

„C-can't sleep...I thought a boring book could help."

You sheepishly admitted while blushing slightly. Having Kurt so close was nothing new, yet having the explorer right next to you, sharing a blanket was something you would've not imagined to happen.

You could catch a side view of his head bopping slightly to give a nod of approval. Gently taking the thick paper collection from your hands, he tried to decipher the title.

„The wonders of architecture ?" his eyebrows raised as his gaze focused back to you. His voice was still a slurred mumble, still filled with sleep and tiredness.

„It sounded promising-„

Fidgeting with your hands and looking off to the side, the nervous thumping of your heart was increasing. Feeling a shifting at the spot next to you, the Explorer now pulled both of his feet under the blanket properly to keep them cozy along with the rest of his body. Sprinkling more embarrassment your way.

„No, no. You are on the wrong way. If you want to sleep well, you have to listen to bed time stories."

The brunette shook his head and placed the book down, a lazy soft smile lingering on his face.

Scooting closer and offering you his shoulder as a pillow, he motioned you to move next to him. Who could say no to one of Kurt's stories ? You tried your best not to become red as a tomato. Thanking your exhausted state for helping you out with that.

As you leaned your head on top of his shoulder, your arms automatically snaked themselves around his waist as you snooped in closer. Keeping each other warm.

Kurt on the other hand was happily petting your head, giving off one last yawn, before immersing you into the world of wonderland and imagination.

Each word, acting as a magical spell which lulled those to sleep who heard them. Kurt had the gift of story telling and he'd gladly use it on you if it means that you could feel refreshed and happy again.

Every passage pulled both, deeper into the slumber and before the Explorer's own eyes closed shut, he pecked your head and whispered out one last good night blessing for you. 

Identity V x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now