Kevin x Reader

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Droplets were beating against the windows like drums. Every minute a new beat started to pop up. Soaked into the heavy atmosphere. The only thing which broke the loud bangs and intense rhythm was the footsteps of yours.

Rushing from corridor to corridor, looking into every niche of the gigantic house, you tried your best to spot a glimpse of a certain survivor.

If it weren't for your patience you would have thrown Freddy out into the garbage pile along with Naib, so they could think about their actions, next to the decomposed fruit and vegetables. The survivors have been through a dreading losing streak which was going on for some weeks already. Most of them tried to search out a pattern, a reason why their demise was always around the corner once they stepped into the labyrinth of fear. And after a while, people started to point fingers, throw out accusations, dismiss any other reason. And this led to a very unsightly argument between the Lawyer, Mercenary and yourself.

It was not you who was in the heat of critique but the Cowboy of the group. His lassoes have become a bit more sloppy since he has a hard time to adjust to the hunter's evolving play style. And he knew it very well. You could spot him sitting shamefully in the infirmary after every loss or tie, getting patched up from the beating he has endured. It broke your heart to say the least. Seeing his honeydew smile replaced by scrunched eyebrows and a big scowl pulling on his lips. You could have sworn that you even saw him crying once while clenching his lasso close to him, whispering apologies to ghosts of his past.

Shaking yourself out from memories, you found yourself at the dead end of the washing kitchen. From winter garden to his room. You've been looking everywhere yet no sight of the familiar red of his poncho. You've been walking back to the dinning area before turning to the door which led you outside into the greenery. Maybe some fresh air could help your mind.

Even before you could get ideas for possible hiding spots, your eyes took in a familiar shape of a slumping man. Barely escaping the rain underneath a tall cedar tree which inhabited the garden grounds along with it's siblings.

It took you all power and strength possible to hold yourself back, rushing and flinging at him, yet even that couldn't hold you back. Flopping down next to him, you clung onto the cold and soaked body of the Cowboy, taking in his shaky breath which slowly became steadier. Humming a small tune which broke the dreading drum of the storm and relaxing his loud thoughts. After a moment of silence, he wrapped one of his arms to return the hug and hopefully keep you warm.

„...I couldn't protect her...and neither could I protect you or anyone else..."

His breaths became shaky once again, hand gripping onto your form as his hat fell off when he started to crouch down, head on your lap. Apology after apology sprinkling your ears. Each dragging you closer to tears until the waterfall started flowing. Never have you seen this brave man so broken before and never do you want to see him like this again.

Pulling him up by his collar, followed by pinching his cheeks with a stern expression, you looked him dead in his puffy eyes.

„Kevin Ayuso !" He almost jumped by your sudden outburst of his name.

YOU are a fantastic cowboy who rescued us from so many pinches and danger before until now !"


Shushing him by gently pinching his lips close you continued your speech.

„I see you training your ass off until the next morning, practicing your lasso and stamina ! You put your heart and soul into every round we go in !"

Moving your hand away from his face, you brushed it over his cheeks, a gentle smile now back on the surface of your face.

„And most always do your best to get us out of those damn gates...even if it costs your life..."

He couldn't choke out a word, so he just returned the beautiful smile you gifted him and placed his hat on your head. Heaving you up from the muddy ground bridal style, he gave you a bearded ticklish kiss on your cheek and walked back with you into the warmth of the manor.

„Thank you..."

„Any time my cowboy."

It was no secret that he prefered the company of women more than men but it was crystal clear that he felt the most comfortable around you. And he couldn't be more grateful to have you by his side. The following week was spent in bed, sniffling and coughing. But the plus to it was that he had you next to him who would bring him out of the slump and cheer him on no matter the results. And he will never fail to protect you just as you never failed to protect him. 

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