Norton x Reader

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Mister Norton Campbell. He got the looks, the brains, the fitness and very significant facial feature.

Sometimes, you just can't help yourself but starre the poor man down as if he is some type of rare animal. Only resulting in very awkward side glances and sweaty palms from the perspective of the Prospector. Looking like a cat which was avoiding any type of eye contact with it's nosy owner.

The ravenette could have sworn that you planed a secret ambush on him. That or you'd judge him for his very prominent scar which lurked on his skin like a parasite since the day of dread. Norton was more convinced about the second option as you seemed not to have the aura of a murderer in comparison to certain other inhabitants of the manor. He was relieved to say the least, yet also pained about the thought of you sorting him into the bin due to his flaw.

The Prospector was quiet fond of you, for a good while now. When he felt your gaze on him for the first time, Norton was quiet honoured. Never expecting the full attention drawn onto him by his hearthrob. Yet, the more often he noticed your gaze in the waiting lobby, the more insecure he grew. Your eyes holding too much focus on his features, too much seriousness. Always seeming to be lost in thought, grasping onto the beehive inside your constantly fuming mind. It wasn't until a recent remark, he became unsure about your one sided glaring contest. Calling Naib a dry sock caught him off guard for a good while and even after your match, he couldn't understand your comparison of the Mercenary to a dehydrated foot piece of cotton. When asking the person in question, you just placed a hand under your chin, taking seconds to find the right words, yet only a 'Don't know, he just does ?' Came as an answer. And as you left to your duties, the words you placed into his hands made the man even more confused. Causing a small plant of insecurity to grow as he started to think that you'd judge others by their appearance which he never expected you to do.

He had many folks looking at him in pity or disgust after the incident he longed to forget. It was nothing too hard for him to ignore those looks, yet here he was, nervously adjusting his gloves, checking on his magnets, anything just so you would not look at his face from the other side of the table. At this point he couldn't take it anymore. The pressure grew onto him, making him act out of character. Excusing himself, Norton dashed out of the waiting lobby to switch out with Luka.

Watching the figure of the Prospector rush through the door, snapped you out of your thought process. Sadly too late as the game immediately started once the Prisoner was pushed inside the big dusty room. As you were transported to the map to battle for your win, Norton got up to his room and locked himself in.

And after 6 minutes of power kiting through full 5 ciphers and getting shot back to the manor as the sole lost soul, you quickly trampled your way up to the Prospectors room. Ignoring all calls from Emily to get you patched up, you gently knocked on the heavy wooden door which lead to your current destination. Though, no answer could be heard. If you wouldn't know better, you'd think that he was away for a match or training, yet Kevin busted his ass by mentioning the ravenette rushing past him upstairs, making him knock over a bowl with soup onto his freshly washed poncho. Kevin never looked so livid before.

After many knocks, which let your knuckles feel sore, the door to Narnia was revealed to you. Looking right into the shifting orbs of the Prospector. Your eyebrows knitting up in concern.

„Are you feeling a bit better now ? I never saw you rush out of the lobby like that..."

Norton on the other hand, couldn't even keep his gaze on you, turning his head to his left as if something was awaiting him in the shadows. Yet he was only trying to hide away the hideous scar which coated his skin in a sickly colour.

„Yes, just felt a bit sick. Don't worry."

His cold answer and him not looking at you when talking, made you more worried though. You tried to squeeze yourself into his view to now avail. Drastic times take drastic measures so you cupped his face with your hands and gently turned his face to you, making him explode into red hues like a fresh strawberry. He was about to break free when you started to pull his head to your level, bonking foreheads together in hopes to ease the tension and fear.

Taking the hint of a question, Norton grasped your hands in his to invite you inside of his room. Motioning you to sit on his bed while he took a seat on his chair, he leaned onto the back of the chair, sighing before brushing his fingers through his locks, hoping to find the right words. Once you were seated comfortably with Norton focusing his eyes on you, he sighed, getting ready to confront the whole equation of fear he holds inside his chest.

„I've been noticing look at me a lot- for a while now actually."

You nod to approve of his thesis as you were not even hiding your actions in the first place.

„Honestly it-, I-, I'm really sorry for it but I can't hide it away, alright ? My face just happens to be like this and I don't want or need you to judge it for that flaw."

This made you blink in surprise as you never expected Norton to apologise over something trivial as this. It made your stomach churn though as you never knew how much of an impact your actions brought along.

„Listen. I know my face is ugly as shit with this scar on it and I don't need some stu-„

„Wait, what ?"

„What ?"

Now the both if you just kept exchanging confused glances. Room growing silent for minutes to process the spoken letters.

„Who told you that I'd be judging your scar ? And who said your face is ugly-„

It got you a bit rilled up to hear the insults the male was throwing at himself so casually. For you, he was the most handsome fella, you had the luck to encounter, from the inside and outside. He was fascinating not only by his looks but especially by his charming character of thirst for knowledge and success. His hard beating spirit to make every match a win, to get his fellow survivors out of the hunters hands and to give his very best even in the most hopeless cases. You loved the man to bits. From his scar to his sudden childlike outbursts which brought you a smile every time you see his usually dull eyes, sparkling with life and joy. It broke your heart to see him growing so insecure around you and juggling insults and critique back and forth about himself.

Standing up from your seat, you made your way to the ravenette, a thumb gently gracing his mark as a sad smile grew on your face.

„I never did and never will think that you are ugly just because of a are so much more than that..."

Nortons was silent. His throat clogged up with words which he could not bring out. Questions he couldn't manage to form. His heart was racing and he tried his best not to end up as a coughing mess. You understood his silence though and pointed onto one of the two rainbows of bushy black hair, decorating his face.

„I was actually admiring your eyebrows- I tried to find a right comparison to them, yet the only thing which comes to my mind is caterpillars...

Well, I guess they are pretty cute but-„

„Hold on." Norton, who finally manage to break out from his stage fright, starred up at you in disbelief and irritation.

„You want to tell me that through aaaaall this have been trying to compare my darn eyebrows to something ?"

The way he worded it made it sound as if it was something insanely stupid. It was just mildly stupid the least, you were sure.


The Prospector looked at you dumbfounded. He tried to understand everything but it just sounded so weird to be true. Yet a blush creeped onto his cheeks once he recalled you denying his insults on his appearance. It quickly became more vibrant when your lips gently pecked his scared forehead. All worry, all fear, washing away with your soft confession ringing through the room and his own whispered along.

Love can be weird. And it can also blossom not a flower but a weird butterfly inside someone's stomach. 

//I didn't prove read this so apologies for any errors

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