Chapter 2

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Next few days passed in a blur of much the same, everyone was very sweet and accepting though my trust was not set in stone. I spent most of my days perusing the books in Emeritus’ room, sketching, studying the artworks adorning the chapel that weren't perverse, and trying to discern why I was here. Was it God that placed me here to challenge me or was it the Devil drawing me into his clutches? I thought as I walked down the halls of the dark cathedral with Emeritus when we came across the Cardinal.

“Ahh, how are you my dear?” The Cardinal took my hand in pressing it in between his two leather clad hands.

I just looked at him and smiled, the fact he took my hand made me uncomfortable. Something about him was off like he was hiding something behind the kindness.

“Cirice, Cardinal.” Condescension filling Papa Emeritus III’s voice like he was talking to a small child.

“It is good to have a name to that beautiful face.” He smiled at me then looked at Emeritus, “Papa, isn't that the name of one of our songs?”

“My song, yes, Cardinal.” Papa said a slight venomous tone to his voice. 

I looked from one man to the other and the tension was almost palpable but it soon dissipated as they talked about something relating to the Ministry. I slowly moved from them to a bench close by and as they spoke I sketched them. The light from the windows above me shone around them like a halo. I hummed the song that is my namesake, shading the two figures robes. I was almost done by the time Emeritus walked over to me sitting down.

“That is very good.” He chuckled leaning forward putting his elbows on his knees interlocking his hands, he sat quietly watching me as I finished, “Come, let's go get a drink and find the Ghouls.”

I looked at him confused but he wasn't looking at me. We walked in silence through the candlelit cathedral and stopped at a painting of men and women naked engaging in sinful lust filled revelry. Emeritus pushed on a stone near a corner of the painting exposing a corridor. I looked at him delighted, then back down the dim corridor, where does this lead? Hesitantly I followed him. We came out on a balcony looking down at a bar and a lavish room furnished with chairs and couches, there was a fireplace and a small stage and place to dance. There were some Nuns, masked figures, and one of the Papa's. I laughed a bit and wrote a question asking what this place is, which of his brothers is that, and also about the masked figures as I still don't know what to call them, they must have a title like the Nuns do right?

“Haha this is where we, those permitted, so most of the Clergy come to relax. That would be my asshole of a brother Emeritus II,” I smiled laughing slightly, “Those Nuns are specifically the Sisters of Sin, and the masked figures as you call them are collectively known as Ghouls.”

He slipped his vestments over his head revealing his satin tailcoat and the rest of the ensemble that went with it. A sister took them as he pulled a pair of white gloves onto his hands replacing the leather gold nail tipped gloves. We slowly walked over to Emeritus’ brother that lounged in front of a fireplace.

“Brother…” The man said in a monotone Italian accent, his face a more elaborate skull than his brothers. He turned his frightening eyes to me, “Cirice.”

"Salvete, brother." Emeritus replied as the other stood, extended a hand to me, and kissed my hand and led me to a plush chair opposite him close to the fire.

As I sat Emeritus said, "Oh I forgot to mention other than being an ass. He is three months my senior."

His brother looked at him and scowled then sat and picked up his glass of scotch from where he had set it down. I was shocked, he had said that to his brothers face and that the second Emeritus was only three months, not years older than the other. He looked older but that may have just been because of the elaborate skulls on both of their faces could disguise their ages. Emeritus seemed uncomfortable under the gaze of his brother and stood clearing his throat and moving towards the bat and ordered something. While waiting he said something to the Nuns causing them to blush as he sauntered back over two glasses of a whitish looking liquid. He handed one to me then sat in the other plush chair and sipped his drink. I stared into the glass of swirling liquid, I jumped slightly when Emeritus’ brother spoke, his deep monotone voice reverberating through the air.

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