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To be honest, you never put that much effort into finding your soulmate. His name first appeared on your left shoulder on the morning of your 12th birthday. Atsumu Miya. You'd been young and still enjoying your blissful youth, so the idea of searching for him at that moment in time was futile. However, that didn't stop you and friends from searching names on the web at slumber parties and giggling at the results. It'd been fun and innocent curiosity.

You thought maybe 18 was a better age to begin your search, or at least be on the lookout and be more aware of whom you surrounded yourself with. But college started and who had time to think about their other half when school was monopolizing all that you had and more to offer.

At 20 when you received your associate's degree you honestly hadn't considered a course of action concerning your soulmate. You took a year off from school to work some and save money before you decided what to do next. Either jump into the working world or continue your education.

The acceptance letter and scholarship from a private university in Japan definitely helped in your decision-making.


To save money since the cost of living in the city was so expensive, you decided on getting a roommate. Or more accurately, you scanned the Internet for days in search of someone offering up his or her extra room for a reasonable monthly price. And that's how you met your wonderful new roommate and friend Yuri.

She happened to also be attending the same college as you but was working on her master's degree in sports medicine. Not that you weren't used to energetic people, but living with one was definitely something you weren't used to. She sang and skipped around the entire time she courteously helped you unpack your boxes and intertwine your possessions amongst hers.

Your new apartment was spacious and a modern new build in the area. The university helped with the payments thanks to your scholarship, but you still had to pay the rest out of pocket. Yuri was in the same boat as you, except she had more money on the side thinks to her paid internship with the city's division-1 volleyball team. It was during this discussion that she sprung a question on you that unknowingly would change the course of your future.

"You should come to one of our games," she had mentioned one morning during breakfast. "I'm always given one free ticket but I never use it since I'm always back in the team's infirmary with the doctor I'm shadowing for my internship."

You'd never been to a volleyball game before and honestly didn't know much at all about the sport. It was taught briefly in gym class in middle school but you always chose the other option that was weight lifting because they also taught the muscles and how to focus on toning different zones in the body. That was what helped push you into the sports medicine field with a concentration on physical therapy.

"Sure." You'd responded.

And oh how little you thought that answer would come back and bite you in the ass.

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