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A small island off the coast of Japan housed something that the Japanese dubbed as New Alcatraz. What was this, you may ask? Well New Alcatraz was where the worst criminals are held, never meant to see the light of day again. Though one inmate really doesn't belong, the teen had been in solitary for two years, today marking his third, and 3A's graduation. 3A was his previous class, class 1A, he was accused of stealing files, shipped off, and never thought about. Izuku Midoriya, the kid that mysteriously gained a quirk after completing one year in the prison. He was quirkless when he was brought in however, every year he's in this prison he gains a quirk. Meaning he has two currently overpowered quirks, and one that would soon surface. No one knew what his quirks did, just that he gained them naturally. Previously having All Might's quirk, this was baffling. What are his two quirks? One is Drill Sargent, he can go straight through anything without leaving a trace that he was there. His second was his most deadly, Fracture, He can make anything snap at a thought, and control the fractured pieces. Izuku was calmly waiting for his third one and looked over his cell and body, the cell was bloodstained cement walls with a steel door locked from the outside. Nothing else in the cell, but his body was something else. Izuku spent hours punching the same spot in his cell every day, it's to the point he can bend building stabilizers without a sweat. He stood taller than the deceased All Might by a solid five meters, his arms and legs had every muscle worked to the point of fatigue, and he gained a six pack. As he admired himself he gained his next quirk, Bolt, he can move as fast as lightning, and gain electrical powers. Izuku smiled as he looked at his door, he was about to escape. Sure some people believed his innocence, but others saw him as worse than dirt, much to Katsuki's pleasure. Oh, how nice it will be when Bakugo literally has his smile ripped from his face. Izuku was twirling a piece of cement through his fingers as he heard an alarm, Go time. Izuku used Drill Sargent to dig out into the real world, leaving no trace he left.

During his escape, 1A was battling All For One with Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga, and Dabi as backup for the powerful villain. The man laughed as he shouted, "You fools! You got rid of your only hope! You really thought he'd turn bad? How shameful, surely you remember Toga's quirk, right?" It hit them, the girl became a copy when she ingests blood of a certain person, and Izuku's broken bones helped provide lots of it. As they faced the villain, one girl in the back was happy, he was innocent. Izuku, however, had made his way to the sewers. Not the nicest place, but probably a decent place to plot his revenge. His class were officially heroes, but soon, they'll fall to him. Izuku couldn't help but look at an old picture of his class, most faces were marked out, but a few remained. The ones that weren't marked out were the ones that believed in him, which was very few. Jiro, Toru, Koda, Kaminari, and Tokoyami all thought he was innocent. Some he wasn't sure of because they weren't there at the time. Todoroki and Sato were maybes, they were at a bake sale to promote UA at the time. Sadly Uraraka and Iida immediately blamed him, Tsuyu just did nothing, Momo cried at the commotion, and Kirishima kept saying he had no manliness. The five he knew believed him because they tried to prove he was innocent, but there wasn't even a fair trial. At best seven of his classmates believed him, but sadly his thoughts were broken by a scream. He popped his head up to see almost all the heroes down, and the only villain left being All For One. Izuku looked around and realized that none of them were dead, but he was about to kill Uraraka. He blocked the villains poor attempt at attacking and said, "If anyone gets to kill them, it's me." He said it so calm it was terrifying, and when every bone in the villain's body snapped like toothpicks before being dragged out painfully through the skin, the young adult smiled and stood over the jelly that was All For One. Izuku placed his hand on the villain's hand and spoke softly, "This is your final chance to do something for your son, dad." The villain understood what Izuku meant and a black vortex swirled around Izuku before he bowed and stated, "I apologize, but you understand the situation." Izuku used this opportunity to stomp the villains heart, it was clearly visible as it was an outline through the skin, before turning to the downed villains and stealing Shigaraki and Dabi's quirks.

As Izuku was about to leave four guards were running towards him, seeing it as a good way to update his arsenal he extended pure black tendrils that latched to the guards and forced them to the ground. Izuku left using Drill Sargent and decided to check his new quirks when he made it to his sewer base. His first stolen quirk was Mold, Izuku can mold any object he wants into anything else. The second was Sling, he can heal wounds almost instantly, whether they were to himself or someone else. Third was Blast, nothing special, a quirk that lets him fire confetti from his fingers, though it could be a distraction. Then the last, and his favorite of the bunch, Ring, all Izuku has to do is imagine a battlefield of his choosing and it appears. Flat battlefield for Sero in the mountains, no problem, Arctic snowstorms in downtown while against Tsuyu, easy. This basically let him have the upper hand in whatever fight, because he can pick the battlefield. Izuku looked and realized that he had a city above him, and a quirk that can steal other quirks. This just kept getting better and better. Meanwhile the only semi-awake hero, Earphone Jack, decided to keep what she heard a secret before she passed out.

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