What a Day

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Izuku just finished buying a house and changing his name, plus going on a quirk stealing spree, not to mention his appearance. He was now known as Izuku Azomomi with red eyes and black hair. While he was walking along the streets he felt something cling to his leg, Izuku looked down and saw an eight year old girl with burns on her arms and neck, though her sweatshirt hid it somewhat well. When Izuku went to ask her what was wrong the number two pro hero Ground Zero, or Katsuki Bakugo, came towards him and said, "Eri, we have to go, now!" The girl hid behind Izuku and started shaking a lot, Izuku looked at Bakugo and asked, "How'd she get her burns?" He had turned a GoPro on and sat it next to him, recording the entire event. The living Claymore shouted, "I punished her for being worthless, now move." Izuku locked eyes with him and asked, "Why are they on her throat?" The bomb shouted, "She's worthless and misbehaves, so I burn her neck, I'm number two, so no one cares, now give her!" Izuku turned his arm into an obsidian like substance before punching Bakugo into the ground and calling the cops. Once they got there Izuku showed them the video, but the only punishment Bakugo got was that he was demoted to number three, and Eri was taken out of his care. When the cops loaded Katsuki in the back one male cop asked, "Since you seem to be the only person she trusts, do you want to take care of her?" Izuku looked at the girl and asked, "Do you want me to take care of you?" Eri jumped onto Izuku and wouldn't let go, he took that as a yes. The cop saw this and stated, "So, she's now Eri Azomomi, correct?" Izuku nodded and decided to take Eri out onto the town, she was fascinated by everything and she was getting a piggyback ride from Izuku.

They made it to the movie theater when Izuku heard, "Midoriya?" He turned around and saw a set of floating clothes, so it was Toru. Izuku smiled and said, "I'm not a Midoriya, I'm an Azomomi, Izuku Azomomi." She knew it was Izuku from that face, well, it wasn't his face, but the freckles gave it away. He looked like an athletic bodybuilder that can compress steel. What the hell happened? As she was about to ask the girl he was carrying said, "Papa, let's see that one!" Izuku saw she was pointing at a poster that said Shrek, he laughed and said, "No problem Eri." As Izuku got two tickets, Hagakure bought one for the same movie. They ended up being the only people watching that movie and she asked, "What happened to you, you used to be a little ball of sunshine." Izuku looked at her and replied, "I still am a ball of sunshine, but it's harder to tell now." Toru looked at his smiling face and knew it was true, so she said, "Hey Izuku, can I show you something." Izuku nodded his head as she turned visible, she looked at him with crystal blue eyes while wisps of her long blonde hair floated to her face before saying, "I can turn visible now, you're the first person to see this." Izuku nodded and pretended to zip his lips before whispering, "Your secret's safe." Eri watched the screen with so much excitement that Izuku couldn't help but smile. After the movie he bowed to Hagakure and said, "Sorry, I have to go, thanks for the fun though." Izuku and Eri left to get clothes for Eri, she picked out many different clothes. She got a Mount Lady onesie and plushie, and many different shirts she liked, of course no outfit was complete without pants and shoes. She got lots of sweatpants and shorts, and even a pair of pink high tops to match his gray ones. This was the first time in a long time that Izuku felt happy, on his way home he saw a local park, him and Eri took a detour and Izuku sat on a bench before telling Eri to go play. Izuku was well aware of certain relationships at school, Iida and Ochako had a newborn when he was accused, and Todoroki was doing it with someone. As Izuku was thinking he saw Eri run up to him smiling, and a boy that seemed three at most was following her. (I'm making people get their quirks at birth.) The boy looked at Izuku and Eri said, "That's my papa." The boy nodded and Izuku asked, "Well, who are you little guy." The boy was scared and replied, "I'm Minku Todoroki, and I want to be a hero!" Izuku smiled and said, "Quite the ambitious goal." The boy seemed down and cried, "I'm quirkless though, go ahead and laugh like Frostfire and Ground Zero." Izuku's mind was in overdrive, 'Hold on, Frostfire? That must be Todoroki, but he would laugh at his own son's dream!?' Izuku sat there and replied, "I won't laugh, every human has potential, just follow through with it." Izuku stuck his hand out and said, "Eri can come play with you whenever you like, of course only with your parents OK." The kid shook Izuku's hand and no one noticed a white light between them, Izuku just gave the kid a quirk. Vortex, the user can control and produce wind, with enough training they might create tornadoes.

Once their handshake ended a woman with medium length caramel hair ran up and said, "Don't run off like that. (She turned to Izuku) So Sorry if he caused any trouble." Izuku smiled and said, "Of course he didn't, he was playing with my daughter Eri." Eri smiled at the woman who smiled as well before sitting down next to Izuku, she turned to him and asked, "Who are you?" Izuku replied, "I'm Izuku Azomomi, nice to meet you miss." The woman held up her hands and said, "No need for formalities, they make me feel old. I'm Camie Todoroki, wife of the number one hero Frostfire." Izuku smiled and asked, "If it's okay with you, could Eri play with Minku more often?" Camie clapped her hands and stated, "Oh, sure. He doesn't have many friends so this will be perfect. He is quirkless after all." Izuku laughed a little and said, "He isn't, look over there." Camie looked and saw that Minku was making a leaf float in his hand. She ran over and shouted, "You have a quirk!" Izuku stood next to her and asked, "What did they use to test him?" She thought a bit and said, "They X-rayed his foot, he had two toe joints." Izuku sighed and replied, "They should have also done a full body X-ray and cat-scan, not to mention that most people with two joints are late bloomers. Young Minku got lucky and got his earlier than most late bloomers." Both adults smiled at each other and the kids were having fun, Izuku looked at Eri and said, "Let's go get dinner, you also have to put your new clothes away." Eri was sad to leave, but Izuku and Camie exchanged numbers before leaving so that they could play together again. Izuku didn't know what to cook, so he decided they would get some take out. While they were waiting for their their food to finish a person with a bird head walked in. Izuku was trying to prevent Eri from eating all the mints before the guy tapped on his shoulder, Izuku turned around and made sure to keep the mints away from Eri. The bird boy asked, "Can you move, you're blocking the register." Izuku apologized and moved a little so the bird could get some food. Once Izuku got their food they went to his apartment where Eri ate all the fortune cookies before Izuku unpacked his rice. He sighed before laughing as he enjoyed his first day of living life.

(If you didn't guess Izuku's only considered a criminal because he has All For One. Izuku hasn't even stolen any innocent citizens quirk, he's only stole from muggers and such. Now to his stolen quirks)

Fling, he can turn any object into a deadly projectile.

Slice, he can turn his hands into blades.

Normal, he can revert anything back to the way it looked before he got there.

Knockout, Izuku can punch with so much force that he crack diamond

Diamond, He can produce diamonds along his spine that spread across his back, making armor.

Choke Hold, all he has to do is hold a part of someone's body for it to choke them.

Split, his newest one, and the most destructive. Izuku can split an atom apart to cause massive damage, and he can choose the atom to destroy.

Obsidian, the user turns parts of their body into obsidian at will.

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