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(Slightly Uneventful)

Izuku woke up to his phone ringing, he picked it up and said, "Hello." On the other end he heard, "Hey, can Minku come over to play? Anytime would be good, I just want him to meet with his friend." Izuku noticed the voice was Camie and replied, "Sure, come over around six, bring anyone you like. We can talk and have dinner while our kids play. I'm probably going to invite some of my friends though, my address is -/-/-." He heard a, "Fantastic." as the phone call ended. Izuku looked through his contacts and found Toru before calling, she picked up and asked, "What's up?" Izuku replied, "I'm having some people over for dinner, come if you want. My address is -/-/- bring whoever you want. The dinner's at six." He just heard a clap and then she said, "Wonderful, I'll see if some of my friends will come." The phone hung up as he started to get dressed, once that was done he made some pancakes and bacon, while he poured some orange juice into some cups. Once he was done he heard running before Eri was right in front of him, once she was there Izuku asked an important question, "Hey Eri, what's your quirk?" The girl froze as Izuku looked at her before she looked down and replied, "My quirk is Rewind, I can reverse a living thing to it's previous state. I don't know how to control it though." Izuku smiled at her and said, "Then I'll help you control it, that's a very powerful quirk you should be happy to have." The girl looked at him with tears in her eyes before she hugged him, he smiled and patted her head before saying, "We'll test your quirk after breakfast, ok sweetie." Eri stopped crying and replied, "Ok papa!" Both sat down to eat a delicious meal, while Izuku was thinking about how to train Eri's quirk.

After they finished Izuku took her to a gym, most gyms were forgotten because nobody cared about working out, it was more convenient to by the stuff your self. Izuku got on Eri's level and said, "Calm down, and concentrate on using your power." She nodded and did what he instructed, to her surprise it worked. Izuku smiled and said, "Now focus on turning it off." She did that and it miraculously worked. Izuku smiled wide and started to take her back, but before he did he got her a candied apple and watched as she ate it all. Once they got home Izuku stated, "We're having guests over, pick up some of your toys. You can leave some out though because Minku is coming over." She started to pack up some toys and left an Endeavor action figure out, even though he was demoted to fourth he was happy, and a Ms. Joke toy that constantly told jokes. It was around lunchtime when Eri was finished cleaning her toys up, Izuku made both of them Katsudon. While he was about to put it in bowls he heard, "Papa." Izuku went up to Eri's room and saw her holding a dress, she asked, "Do I have to wear this?" Izuku looked at her and replied, "You can if you want, there really isn't a set attire, just be yourself." She nodded as Izuku said, "Time for lunch when you put that dress back." Both ate there food and laughed at the jokes Eri's toy spewed out, Izuku forgot how good it felt to be happy, he hadn't felt this way in years. After they finished lunch Izuku suggested that they watched some T.V. It just so happened that they were revealing the newest hero rankings. Number one was still Frostfire with no losses, next was Dark Shadow in number two, third was Ground Zero after his abuse charges went through. Fourth went to Endeavor, fifth was Red Riot, Pinky was tenth, See-Through was twenty second, EarPhone was fifty third, Taser was sixtieth, and Ani-man was one hundredth. Good to know his friends were doing decently well, but they spent a while on the rankings, it took a couple of hours for the cartoons to start.

After a couple hours of cartoons Eri started to get sleepy, Izuku used this time to make dinner. By the time he was done he had made Soba, multiple rice dishes, Katsudon, fish sticks, mozzarella sticks, salads, and two trays full of chocolate chip cookies to top it all off. He didn't know how many people were coming over, so he might need all the food. Izuku set the table and left the cookies to cool before taking the food to the table as well. He got back to the cookies and saw Eri was about to eat one, she noticed him and put it back. Izuku looked at the tray and realized that one was completely gone. He sighed and said, "Minku should be over soon, go play until then, ok?" Eri left and started to play on her phone, while Izuku finished putting the cookies on a plate. He just finished that delicate process when the door bell rung. Izuku went and opened it to see Camie and Minku, he smiled and said, "Hello miss Todoroki, Eri is in the living room, Minku can go play with her for now." Both adults smiled at each other before Camie shouted, "Let me introduce you to my husband and friends, this is my husband Shoto Todoroki or Frostfire, and these are the Iida's, Ochako and Tenya." Izuku smiled and replied, "Nice to meet you, I'm Izuku Azomomi. Glad you could join me for dinner tonight." The Iida's came in and revealed that they had a kid as well, Izuku already knew this but he needs to keep the act up. Once he saw the kid he asked, "Can she go play with Eri and Minku? She is only a kid after all." Ochako realized she never introduced her and said, "This is Akuna Iida, our daughter, her quirk is Astronaut." Izuku smiled and stated, "Wow, with a name like that it must be cool." The kid smiled before asking her parents, "Can I go play with the others?" Tenya nodded his head yes as she left, before anyone could say anything else the door bell ringed again. He answered it and said, "Miss Hagakure. How have you been?" She simply replied, "I've been fine and I brought some friends as well." Izuku smiled and replied, "I'm fine with that. At least introduce them though." She laughed and started to introduce them, "The purple haired one is Kyoka Jiro, to her left is Momo Yaoyorozu, then we have Fumikage Tokoyami with his expecting wife Tsuyu Tokoyami." Izuku smiled his normal smile and said, "Well I'm Izuku, Izuku Azomomi, glad you could join us for dinner." Everyone sat down and started to talk.

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