Prologue The Secrets of Eternity

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                                                                              The Secrets of Eternity


Scorched Earth

'It is time.'

I sigh and continue reading.

'It is time,' repeats Uler, in the same unusually gentle tone.

'No it really isn't,' I snap. I clamp my mouth shut. No point arguing with her when she's like this.

On reaching the end of the page I yawn, raise my head and blink my dry eyes. When they said 'see the universe' they forgot to mention the paperwork. Or the weirdo freak dropping weirdo freak comments.

Massaging the back of my neck I look across at the viewscreen displaying HAT-1Ub or 'Earth', as the inhabitants pronounce the name of their world in this region, meaning soil or ground.

From our vantage point Earth is rising so only the top half is visible at the moment and the bottom so black it merges into the rest of the universe. Earth I mean HAT-1Ub is a naturally habitable planet so the usual blue waters and white clouds swirl against the splendour of the starfield. A boring grey moon tagging alongside.

I watch lightning flicker daintily across Earth's atmosphere for a few seconds longer then turn back to the report.

'It is time, it is time, it is time,' repeats Uler, her tone still unusually gentle.

Unease flutters round my stomach, she's being freakier than usual. I check the holo displaying her readings. They're normal. Or that could just be what she wants me to think. But then why would she deceive me?

'Uler just tell me what is it?' I ask irritably.

'It is time. It is time.'

I look at the chronometer. Stars and saints only nine minutes have passed since I last looked. I continue reading while wriggling in my seat, trying to massage the stiffness out of my haunches - or arse - as they call it in this region.

'It is time.'

'Time for what Uler? Just spit it out will you.'

'It is time. It is time, it is time.'

Huffing I carry on reading. That's the last time I ask her. I don't have time for her cryptic statements or meandering conversations to nowhere or to some weird fact. This isn't the first instance of Uler freaking out either or even the second or fiftieth. Four months ago she flew to the Belauqua nebula and started scanning it while repeating 'Atirn, Atirn,' and ignoring me when I asked her what she was doing. Afterwards when I asked what she was looking for she pretended she didn't know what I was talking about. Then there are the times I'm sure I can hear voices in other parts of the ship but when I ask Uler she always replies, 'you are the only humanoid on this ship.' Then I'll go to my room wishing there was a bio-lock on the door.

Sometimes I wonder how we don't drop out the sky or drift off into space. But the techs assure me Uler is one of the most advanced ships in the fleet and it's just the interface that's a bit wonky. Apparently that can happen with artificial personalities no matter how sophisticated. Especially if they're hundreds of years old.

I turn to the holo displaying my initial assessment of HAT-1Ub. It is not going well. Overpopulation and pollution that needs to be tackled now. The usual wars over resources, ideology, territory. Discrimination with regards to ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Noor's and Tim's outrage aren't going to be enough to overcome all that. Well that and the fact, that like me, they're sixteen. But there's still hope, lots of their friends and plenty of others wanting justice, equality, environmental protection and other stuff along with lots of charities and Non-Govermental Organisations rooting for change.

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