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In the last part I have given a brief account about Humanity or I have simply told the meaning of Humanity.
This part will bring out the reality of today's generation and the humanity today.
      Few days back when I was crossing the Moulali crossing, Kolkata. I found a set of people rather a part of our society spending their life on that dirty, old footpath. More I got into it the more I discovered that they spend their life by begging and some had their small shops on that footpath. Now you will tell that what is the link of humanity with this. So now I'm going into the story, the day when I was there I saw a small girl who just rose from her sleep was sent with a container into the bus for earning their livelihood. A man refused donating her and his behavior was very rude, then suddenly the contractor pushed her down from the bus and surprisingly there was none just to pick her up and give her the medical aid, it was her mother who picked her up while I stepped forward. Is this what we called humanity? Is this the example of us being humans. Another day when I went to the municipal office for a permission of conducting a programme in their auditorium I found an old man waiting outside the office, when I approached I discovered it was the in charge of that office who was troubling him just because he was unable to pay the amount which was demanded by the office in charge where as we got the approval just because we had a source of the chairman. Now is this humanity? Is this the trace of us being humans. Another day I was standing under a tree shed beside a cobbler, a man came to him wearing a suit just to polish his shoes and amazingly that person didn't have a simple manner to open his shoes, he just put his foot on the wooden slab on which the cobbler was working. I really felt very bad that day, when the cobbler told him to open his shoes he shouted at him so the helpless cobbler worked in that position only and that person paid him half of his charge and after that the person went into a Mercedes which really shocked me. Then paid him the rest, now is this what we call humanity? Brothers kill eachother for property, fathers rapping their daughters, sons killing their parents and what not. Is this what we call humanity?
           Now a days dogs and other animals are often proved to be more loyal than humans, more kind than humans, so it should be a matter of shame for us. More over we entitled ourselves as humans but we have forgotten the most important thing to be a human and that is humanity.

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