Chapter 3

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-----Hey :P so I know this took a while but I hope you like it, if you have any opinions on it I would love to hear them good or bad because I want to make this a story you will enjoy :P Love you!!! Enjoy this gif of Niall at the side :P-----

Nialls's POV

Carine and I fall asleep in the hospital chairs and wake up a few hours later. The sky is black outside and the only living things in the waiting room is Carine, me and some kind of plant. I go up to the reception desk to ask about Nani because she has been gone for ages.

"Uh excuse me" I say awkwardly. The receptionist looks at me over her glasses.

"Yes?" she asks. For some reason I feel intimidated by her.

"Uhh I was wondering if the girl that came in here earlier is ready for visitors and stuff?" I ask.

"Many girls have come in here today I'm going to need more details" She says dryly. She's starting to irritate me.

" Umm her name is...... what's her name? Shit" I say because I can't   her name. The receptionist just looks at me. "Carine what was the girls name?" I call to Carine. Carine get sup and makes her way over to me. He forehead creases as she tries to remember the girls name.

"Ummm ... crap I can't remember it.... I know it started with an 'N' but.... " Carine mumbles. Suddenly I remember her name.

"Ohh it was Nani, but we don't have a second name" I say.

"Can you describe her then?" The receptionist says tiredly.

"Ummm she has black hair, brown eyes, she's tan and kind of short" i say. The receptionist nods and says.

"Oh she left about 10 minutes ago with a man". I thank her and walk away from her with my arm around Carine. I could feel her shaking.

"Niall what if that man she left with was the one who was beating her?" Carine says worry plain in her voice.

"She wouldn't leave with him" I say trying to reassure her.

"Niall you don't understand, he scares her, she told me he had friends and we both know that his friends aren't like ours and from the amount of physical abuse he puts her through there is most likely a lot of emotional abuse and she probably feels like nothing without him. He is obviously manipulative and she is scared and hurt" Carine says.

I wonder how she knows all this and when I ask she looks at her feet and says "I read something on it". I raise my eyebrows at her but I let it go.

Carine's POV

I want to tell Niall that I had been in the same position as Nani but I can't. If he left me because he thought I was weak in my past I wouldn't be able to handle it. Who knows what I would do. I see Niall raise his eyebrows but he doesn't press the subject. I'm really worried for Nani, but right now I know I can't really do anything for her right now, but I swear I will help her.

Nani's POV

Micheal practically drags me out of the hospital and then shoves me in the back of some van. I bang my head on something and I immediately feel a bruise forming on my forehead. I whimper slightly but Michael ignores me. He gets into the drivers seat and slams the door closed. He starts the engine and pulls out of the car park. He drives recklessly, going way over the speed limit and driving through red lights. He takes sharp corners causing me to go tumbling in every direction.

                                                         When we finally stop I just sit in the back of the van, exhausted. Michael gets out of the van and locks it, with me still in the back. I don't even try to get out because no matter how far away I go, Michael will find me. This theory has been proven multiple times and always result in him finding me and punishing me. Suddenly I start thinking about that girl and boy in the ambulance. Their kindness makes me want to cry. I remember that they called the gardaí on Michael. I start crying because they have absolutely no idea that they are in so much danger. Michael won't let something like this go, he will find them and most likely do something to hurt them or the ones they love. That's what happened to the last person who tried to help me.


Michael and I had just come back from a day out. We had went to a restaurant and the waiter had been flirting constantly with me even though I clearly wasn't interested in him. He ignored Michael completely, which made Michael even angrier. When we got back to our flat that we were renting Michael started shouting and punching me.

Our neighbours were concerned and after all the shouting stopped they sent their twenty-one year old son down to see if everything was alright. He knocked on our door. Not thinking about my appearance I opened the door to them. He gasped and asked what happened. I said that I tripped and hit my head on the table. I felt blood trickling down my cheek and my fingers automatically went to my face, looking for a source. I found the source above my eye slightly to the left.

The boy pushed past me and  barged into our flat. He went up to Michael, who was sleeping on the couch and punched him. Michael woke up and shot to his feet. Punches and curses were flying in every direction. The boy finally ran out but he dragged me with him. I tried to go back into my flat because I knew this would only end in trouble. Michael had collapsed on the couch and I finally gave up resisting and turned to the boy. I tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen.

He took me down to his parents flat. He explained to them what happened and they welcomed me with open arms. They fixed up my injuries and told me to sleep on the couch. I accepted even though I was tremendously worried.

I woke up that night to a smash. I looked over to where it came from and saw a beer bottle with a lit wick. I screamed which caused my neighbours to come running. They saw the beer bottle they ran to the door but not quick enough and the beer bottle exploded. I heard their cries and ran to help them. I managed to get them to their feet and out the door. We ran downstairs and called 999.

Within 10 minutes the whole building had been evacuated and the firemen were putting out the fire. Our neighbours had been taken to the hospital to be treated for 3rd degree burns. Somehow I had managed not to get burned. I decided I should run in case Michael was near by. I started to run but I got tired quickly so I ducked in between 2 buildings for a rest. I fell asleep quickly and was woken about 3 hours later by someone pulling me to my feet. I looked up and saw a barely sober Michael.


I hear the van being unlocked and the door swings open. I see Michael standing there.

"Get out" He says harshly dragging me into the house. When we get in he locks the door and goes into the sitting room.

"Go make me something to eat and whatever you want" Michael says. I go into the kitchen and look for something to eat. All I see is a pack of noodles so I put them in some water and stick them on the hob. After about 3 minutes I take them off the hob and put the chicken flavoring in the noodle. I mix them together and put them in a bowl. I take the bowl to Michael and leave as quickly as I can. I run upstairs and fall asleep in bed feeling like my stomach is eating itself.

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