12: Yaris

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"There it is." Leia declared as they dropped out of hyperspace. Next to her she saw Luke drop as well, and heard his small sigh of defeat as he also took in the scene in front of them. She couldn't blame him; this was definitely about to be difficult.

"The general wasn't exaggerating." Han murmured, stationed above Luke's cockpit as his gunner. The only two ships that were small enough to navigate through the debris but were large enough to hold the amount of people needed were Y-Wings, with Leia and Threepio in one and Han, Artoo, and Luke in the other. Leia still wasn't sure just how Luke had convinced Han to let him pilot, but either way she was glad. Luke's reflexes were unnaturally fast, so much so that not even Han could keep up at times.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready." Luke replied. "Do you want to take the lead or should I?"

"I'll go first." Leia sped up slightly and searched for the best place to enter the debris field. "Threepio, do you see anything?"

"Unfortunately not, Mistress Leia." Threepio informed her nervously. "And might I add, this does seem like a very bad-"

"Idea." Leia finished with a sigh. "I know, Threepio. You've told me that at least twenty times during the hyperspace jump over here. Han, Luke, keep your scanners alert for Imperials. I'll pave a way for you."

"Be careful." Luke warned, watching his sister disappear into the void of debris with a frown.

Han echoed his concerns once she had disappeared as well. "You think she'll be alright?"

"She's a great pilot with reflexes almost as fast as mine." Luke reassured him halfheartedly. "She'll be fine."

"We're about to find out either way." Han grumbled, but the statement had an edge of worry to it.

Meanwhile, Leia moved slowly and carefully through the field. "Threepio, keep your eyes peeled for anything on a direct course to hit us."

"Oh dear, Mistress Leia?"


"I'm afraid I am unable to "peel" my eyes."

Leia felt a nervous laugh erupt from her chest. "Nevermind, just... Just stay alert." She giggled quietly.

But then her tone immediately shifted when she felt a shiver on the back of her neck, and she flipped the Y-Wing around just in time to evade a large piece of shrapnel barreling towards them from behind. It collided with another piece in front of her which caused even more to start moving, making it more difficult to navigate. Leia gritted her teeth and pressed on.

"Leia? Are you okay?" Luke's tense question reached her comm.

"I'm fine I'm fine, we just had a bit of a close call. Watch out for debris behind you coming back to hit you."

"Got it. We're moving in behind you now."

"Wanna race?"

"You're only saying that because you have a head start."

"If you were as good of a pilot as everyone says, you'd be able to catch up to me in no time."

Luke scowled and Han chuckled. "She's got a point."

Luke glared up at Han and, without breaking eye contact, flipped a switch. The engine roared to life and he turned to face front, his eyes narrowing and his grip tightening. "You're on."

"Now hold on a minute, I didn't mean-" Han protested.

"Great." Leia smirked and sped up much to Threepio's dislike; she was pretty sure she could still hear him wailing even if she disabled the comms.

Luke and Leia - Rebels [2]Where stories live. Discover now