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"How's that pawnshop doing?" Mr. Treffel smokes his cigar while sitting on his chair with tired eyes. "Everything is in order." I respond quickly to not agitate him, and he replys with a nod. He puffs his cigar again, " I believe you may have noticed that our "deals" have been slowed down resulting in the lack of profit recently....?" I nod. He opens his drawers looking for something, " ..well after a while we found the problem." He places a large file on his desk, "Or should I say problems. There is this military like team we have been battling for years called Rainbow 6 and through out the past month they have found 4 of the 7 locations where most of our deals are done resulting in our delay. They have also killed hundreds of us and we only manage to injure them or wound them." I look through the pages showing different operators names and their info.

"And I believe you would understand how disappointed I am. I'm sorry that you didnt know sooner but I simply didnt want to come to conclusions quickly without knowing the main cause. And I know how hard your money situation is at the moment so I'm giving you all this info so just incase you see any of them, contact me immediately." He stands up with his hand infront of me, we shake hands and I leave his office. As I do I can feel the pervy eyes of his guards but I ignore it cause I know they can't do anything to me, especially inside these walls. I maybe way shorter but I can still take down a 6 foot tall man and they know that.

Leaving the main hideout I began to wounder why he chose a gas station in the first place. It seems so pathetic. Cant say I blame him though. Six as I remember has been trying to get under his skin. Our boss is a crooked, and manipulative man no doubt...but he pays good enough to keep us alive so I cant really be all mad about...even when we are connected to his strings, becoming his own little puppets. But without him, I wouldn't have lived for as long as I did. We as "white masks" can be seen as evil and sure sometimes we go to far..but we have lives to live as well. I wish rainbow could see that, or even the cops. I then started remembering my past as I walk down the streets of Germany headed home as it lighting sprinkles.

When I was born in the U.S my parents told me that this was the "land of the free" or some shit. But after turning 21, I learned that is not true. I tried working at a cafe but the boss there didnt pay me at all after a month and a half of work. And then one day I get a call from my parents telling me theres a warrant out for my arrest for shit I didnt even do including murder and theft. Theft i understand but murder? With the money they had they bought me a plane ticket out of the U.S for safety which ended up being Germany. When I arrived I had no where to go, not understand the language I was completely lost. I roamed the streets until I saw a sign that said "Hamburg". I felt a little calmer now giving the location but I still walked around. Eventually I found a allie with a sign above a door. The sign showed a silhouette of a beer jug and 3 men stumbled out. One of them saw me and turned to their buddies, " Hey Luete habt ihr spal3? " I saw them walk towards me with large smiles. Terrified I backed away and the 3 men got shot in their backs and fell to the ground. Behind them was a man with a white mask, he turns towards the limo. A man waved towards him. The masked man looks back to me and says, "you coming or what?" He loads his gun and puts it on his back. With no other choice I got in the car.

Funny how things end up huh?

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