Chapter 1

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 As another wave of the cold breeze meandered its way throughout a small House in District 7 a seventeen year old girl thought hopelessly about the 1610 deaths in the last seventy years of 24 Tributes fighting to the Death until only one remained, The Ultimate and Utter Victor.

Lying there in the cold awakening hours she could here banging and crashing from the next room in which her brother slept.

Dragging herself out of her Savior she slowly walked to the small room beside her own. Craning her neck over the side of the doorway she saw a young boy, her brother, crashing about helplessly in his sheets. This wasn't a surprise to Johanna; Having know that her Brother had Problems. 

Johanna went to sit by her brother and stroked his hair effortlessly until he lurched away; not liking the touch of anyone but his Own.

Time past slowly as she Powerlessly watched her brother suffering something that she could not see.

The Survivor through and through (Johanna Mason Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now