27. Is It Summertime Magic?

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I don't know how long I've been staring at this god-like creature beside me. I'm sure if he woke up right this second, he would shit his pants by how creepy I look staring at him while he's asleep.

You can't blame me though, he looks absolutely adorable. The palms of his hands are pressed together in between his pillow and the side of his face. His ear is sticking out of his soft curls. His breath is coming in and out deeply through the small gap of his lips. I can see a bit of stubble above his lips and across his jaw. A human being should not be allowed to look this good in the morning.

I blush when I glance down and see one of Harry's legs across mine. I can feel his warmth radiating off onto me, which made me feel all mushy on the inside.

I glance away from Harry and think about how I shouldn't be here right now. How I shouldn't betray Gigi or disrespect her like this. How awful she would probably feel if she found out what's been going on. But then I think about how I've never felt like this with anyone before. Especially with boys who look like Harry, who was honestly a rare breed.

I lay here for a few more minutes until Harry makes the next move. He inhales deeply before his body stirs around. I felt too awkward and shy to be awake around him so I quickly shut my eyes and stayed as still as possible.

All I can hear was soft breathing and sniffing from beside me. I feel his leg lifted off of me, a slight breeze of cool air now occupying the space. I get a bit sad when he moves his leg but then felt giddy again when I felt him shift closer to me. I try to make it seem like I'm still sleeping; my breath was coming in and out at a steady rate and my body was laying perfectly still. I had no idea how I looked like right now but it couldn't be that good.

I felt the bed move before I hear him let out a quick sneeze. He softly groans before moving around the bed again. I try not to laugh. It was the cutest and funniest sneeze I've heard from him yet. My heart suddenly drops to my stomach when I felt a gentle hand on my forehead. It moved around my face in soft and careful motions. It was like he was touching my face to check my body temperature. He pulls away after touching my cheek. I swooned so hard on the inside over the gesture.

I swear this boy..

I let out a breath once Harry gets up and walks to the bathroom, closing the door on his way in. I blink around and let out a small squeak, not being able to contain a giant grin on my face. My whole body shakes with glee as I replay his movements in my head. I've never felt so cared for.

I compose myself once again and stay still, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep once I hear the toilet flush. Moments later, I know Harry is back in the room. He walks around for a bit before I hear another door open and close. I open my eyes again and let out a big sigh.

I've gotten myself into some deep shit, huh..

I turn on my side and face the empty spot Harry had occupied for the night. It still had his imprint on the pillow and bed. I can't believe we actually admitted to each other that we liked the other. It felt like such a whirlwind and a giant weight off my shoulders. I don't know exactly what to call us but I wasn't obsessing over it. I'm just happy he likes me and wants to hang out with me. Sick and all.

What Gigi would think and how she would react if she knew is always on the back of my mind. I just want to tell her everything and deal with whatever will happen so I don't have to be so secretive and stop lying. I know she wasn't even keen with the idea of us just being friends so I felt stuck and confused.

I shove all those thoughts away before they come. I can't keep doing this to myself. I have to promise myself that I'm just going keep going with the flow and take it day by day. Whatever path Harry and I are going is still fresh and new. I can't keep stressing myself over assuming and fearing people's feelings about anything. But I knew deep in my heart, no matter what happened between Harry and I, I would need to tell Gigi everything. I would be the world's shittiest friend if I didn't.

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