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Appointment SIX

Taehyung bit his nail, starring at his phone. He just received a text message from Jungkook. And it was clearly NOT about the Appointment. The worst part was, Taehyung was so confused with his actions lately. But he knew, from what he told him at that one time they talked at the café, he moved to Daegu not long ago, and he probably don't have a lot of friends. Yeah, maybe he wants to be friends with him. Since they are the similar age. They were comfortable with each other as they talked back then. And Taehyung was eager to know more about that awesome man. 

Today is salsa night at the café, like every Saturday. Taehyung works until eight, and then joins usually the dancefloor. Not knowing salsa moves from the beginning, but he learned from a few customers. And he liked it. It could be a chilly night, with Jimin who also worked until eight as usual. The only thing that would be else tonight, was the fact, that Jungkook texted him that he will come to the salsa night with his sister. Because she wanted to try it out. Taehyung was about to panic. The dancefloor was a save place for him so far, a place of joy, but now???

 Only the idea to have Jungkook with him on the dancefloor made his knees weak. What if he knows how to dance salsa properly? Maybe he should go home tonight after work. Yeah. But in the other hand, would Jungkook written him, if he doesn't want him to meet? Taehyung felt bad as he thought of Jungkook looking for him in the crowd, just to be disappointed. No, he needs to stay. And if he would embarrass himself, he will stay! Decision: Felt. He nodded to himself, proud of his confidence. We will see if it's still there at eight p.m.

Hobi was busy serving for the customers, as Jimin and Taehyung removed their apron. The night shift arrived, so it was time to join the little crowd that was building on the dance floor. Taehyung was about to go there too, but stopped and turned on his heels. "Hobi. I need a drink." Hobi chuckled. "What do you want?" "Something that take away my nervousness. I'm dying here." Hobi nodded and poured something in a tiny glass. "This could help." "What is it?" "vodka." Taehyung looked at the glass for a second, and then gulped everything in one shot. 

"Shit, that burns. Give me another one." Hobi just poured it a second time and went to other customers. Taehyung emptied the glass a second time, feeling already how the alcohol is slightly kicking in since he didn't had dinner yet. He joined the dance floor, a bit at ease. Jimin smiled at him as he swirled a girl around. Taehyung just danced by himself until a girl appeared and asked him shyly to dance with him. He agreed and started to dance, just how he learned it. Only a few salsa dance steps were in his repertoire, but he made them work nicely to the music, doing a bit freestyle here and there. His head got a bit lighter, feeling the effect of the alcohol taking his anxiety away. He didn't noticed the man who was eyeing and smiling at him for a few minutes. 

Well- not until Taehyung spotted him, dancing with his sister, almost next to him. Even if the alcohol helped, Jungkook's magic didn't fail and brought a red tint to his head. Like usual. The unexpected happened, the girl Taehyung was dancing with, was a friend of Jungkook's sister, and after two songs, they both disappeared together at the bar. Taehyung didn't know exactly what to do, just stood there with Jungkook, who also looked around. "I'm gonna grab a drink." Taehyung said, moving away. Jungkook followed him silently. Taehyung pressed his body to the bar, waiting for some water. Jungkook just squished his body next to him, making Taehyung getting a bit heated. Sipping on his water, nervously turning around. 

Jungkook had his own drink, some cocktail. It looked delicious. Since he never worked on nights, he wasn't familiar with that. "What's that?" "Don't know, I asked for something fancy. He gave me this. Wanna try?" Taehyung nodded, and was all surprised and flustered, as Jungkook just turned his straw to Taehyung's face. Who is he to say no to such an offer? He sipped on it, causing a little turmoil in his tummy. The drink tasted really good, the alcohol was barely noticeable, so he ordered one too. From then on, they drank their cocktail, getting more and more open and comfortable in each other's presence, and joined the dancefloor together. They didn't touch each other, just danced in an acceptable distance, freestyling. Jungkook moved his body really good, hitting every beat perfectly.

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