still...not fin. lol

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a/n: so, yeah, this is the same exact entry from kinktober day 27: against a wall... it's one of my favorite kinktober entries and i just wanted to post it here since they're all part of the same au. (and because i feel like writing one more continuation of this story lol)

seulgi sees red. when she enters jaebeom's office, she expected his nose to be buried in a book, or paperwork, where she'd waltz over with the lunch she brought for him, lean down and kiss him senseless. instead, she has to see him eating some tofu dish out of a leftover container and some hussy sitting on his desk, giggling behind her hand. for one, no one sits on jaebeom's desk besides her. two, no one cooks for jaebeom besides her. who the hell does this girl think she's is?

she clears her throat, catching jaebeom's attention immediately. he smiles, nice and bright, getting out of his seat and walking over to her, "hey, baby." he leans to kiss her, but she turns her head, the kiss landing on her cheek.

"i brought you some lunch, but i see you're busy." seulgi states, eyes narrowing in the direction of the coworker as she hops off his desk.

"hi... i don't think we've met. i'm mina." she extends a hand out to seulgi, who just looks at it.

"hi... is there a reason why you're sitting on your boss' desk and bringing him lunch?"

"well... at the last board meeting, we were talking about my vegan lifestyle, and i wanted to share a recipe with mr. lim."

"well, jaebeom isn't vegan, so..." seulgi trails off, waiting for mina to get a hint. "i think it's time for you to leave." mina looks to jaebeom, as if he'll save her, but he's too busy checking out seulgi, peeking into the bag that she has with her.

"mr. lim?"

"what is it?" he questions.

"are you going to let her speak to me that way?"

"she has a point, i think it is time for you to go. enjoy your lunch." jaebeom states offhandedly, tugging seulgi over to his desk. "it's about time you came to see me, i've missed you baby." seulgi giggles, because mina's reaction is priceless as she gathers her things and storms out of the office.

"eating lunch with other females? you know i don't like that." seulgi tells him as he sits down in his chair, pulling her onto the best seat, his lap.

"i wouldn't have called that lunch."

"and why was she sitting on your desk? did she open her legs to you too?"

"oh come on, you have nothing to be jealous of, you know i only love you... but if you want to open your legs to me, i have no objections."

"that doesn't mean that i like coming in and seeing other girls flirting with you." she pouts, as jaebeom cups her cheeks.

"but i wasn't flirting with her, so why are you bothered?"

"...wouldn't you be bothered?"

"hmm... no. that shit doesn't make me angry, especially when i know who you're getting married to in the winter." he smiles, "plus... you wouldn't upset me unless you wanted to be punished, isn't that right, kitten?"

"maybe i should punish you instead..." seulgi teases, before jaebeom tilts her head down to kiss her.

"you could try... i'm sorry that you got upset."

"you're forgiven...but since you already ate lunch, i guess i can take this with me and let you work?"

"no, i'll eat it now."

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