Heavy cream - day 1

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June 3 2020

For breakfast today I had my usual cereal, but also started one of the pints of heavy whipping cream. I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get the whole thing into my belly so I opened it with breakfast. After my cereal, I tried to chug some of it. It's so sweet and thick - I couldn't chug much in one go. I spent about thirty minutes trying to get some down but my stomach began to feel full quite quickly and I'd just eaten a large bowl of cereal 😋. I ended up unzipping my pants. I had nothing to do today (I'm unemployed at the moment) so I decided to try keep myself feeling stuffed for the whole day. So today I ended up making a cheesy pasta for lunch and also ate the left over pizza. As snacks throughout the day, I ate five pork buns. There's only 1 left and I bought them yesterday! I really pushed my limits with the heavy cream on top of all this food but I finished the carton before dinner! I'm so proud of myself! I started chugging it at the end of the carton and felt the fullest and heaviest I've ever felt. My belly poked out so much from the dairy bloat. If I keep going at this rate, I'm going to get huge. I'm worried what my family and friends will think, but I can't resist the urge to feed myself and maintain a stuffed and bloated belly. My stomach was achy so I rubbed it and drank water until dinner. Thankfully the bloating had gone down so I could fit more in. I had a smaller dinner tonight, saving more room for dessert. I allowed myself to subconsciously binge on ice cream, chocolate milk and oreos while watching Netflix. I didn't realise how much dessert I'd eaten until my show finished and I was pulled back to reality. So now I am in bed writing this before I sleep and my belly is so stuffed. It feels so sore but so good at the same time. I can't wait for my next heavy cream carton tomorrow 😫. I can't believe I've let myself go this much. I've spent the last few years watching my weight or trying to lose some, but somehow my urge to feel stuffed and bigger takes over. It's easier to just submit myself...

Edit: I'm not sure if I'll be posting photos. It feels a little weird as I've been keeping my food fantasies completely separate from my social life irl, so for the time being I'd prefer if it stays that way. I hope you guys understand. Thank you for reading. I'm trying to write as descriptively as possible to make up for the absence of photos 💜🍪

Also: Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments. I'm always open to food suggestions! Eating because someone else told me I had to is the most encouraging thing to me - it makes me feel so good about piling food into my belly. Don't hesitate to tease me either 😋

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