Chapter 3 - First Flight

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Your POV

I blinked to adjust my eyesight, for the sun was right in my face as I walked out. It's around six o'clock.

"Okay okay okay," Hiro said, pushing Baymax into the middle of their backyard [if they have one...], and Hiro climbed on top of Baymax. He turned his top half to look at me. Realization hit me when I saw the rocket boots Baymax is wearing.

"Ohhhhh no," I said, retreating. "We're gonna fly aren't we?"

He looked at me with disappointment and concern, hearing my frightened voice. "You're afraid of heights aren't you."

I nodded weakly. Baymax decided at that moment to say that I have a fear of heights and if we fly too high, I might faint and that won't be good. Hiro moaned. "That just ruins the plan," he said dejectedly. "Why didn't you tell me before, Baymax?" Baymax didn't answer.

He gave me a weak smile. "We can explore the city by foot," he suggested, the excitement in his voice gone.

I looked at him guiltily. If I agreed, then the suit he made me will all go to a waste. He also seemed so excited, so I don't want to ruin it for him. I sighed, my voice coming out shakily as I told him we can give it a try.

Hiro gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll be right here. I won't let you fall," he assured me. Then he extended his arm. "Do you trust me?" he said with a little twinkle in his eyes.

I gave him a look but couldn't help myself from smiling, part of my fears disappearing. "You're doing this on purpose aren't you, Hamada?" [if you don't know, Aladdin said this to Jasmine before they flew & since you "want" to be an animator... yeah :D]

"Maybe." He grinned. I took his hand, and he helped me up. "Just so you know, I don't trust you regarding the fact that I met you this morning," I told him playfully. "I just don't want to hurt your feelings."

Hiro faked a hurt sound. "You just hurt me by saying you don't trust me!"

I giggled. I think the bad start we got off to won't ruin this friendship that's slowly building.

"Ready?" he asked.

My heartbeat quickened and by instinct, I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel him stiffen. "Ready," I squeaked.

He squeezed my hand. "Okay, Baymax, up!"

Two pairs of wings appeared from Baymax's armor. A roaring sound filled my ears and we shot up. I gasped and buried my face into his back. Soon enough, we were soaring over San Fransokyo. When we slowed down from gaining altitude, he cried out and told me to look. Slowly, I peeked out, curious to see what it looks like. It was breathtaking. Since the sun was going down, the sunrays casted an orange glow over the city, making it sparkle even more. Tall skyscrapers didn't even reach our height. I couldn't even make out the cars and people that I know for sure that filled the streets. We were that high up. Surprisingly though, the kite motors are still high above us.We looped around, flew under and over things, navegating through tight spots. We also skimmed the water. Baymax has some serious flying skills. Hiro was cheering and screaming throughout the flight. I was awestruck, but also terrified at the same time. Hiro pointed out where SFIT was and the Lucky Cat Café and places that we should visit sometimes. There were a lot of interesting buildings and homes and such.

"I got another surprise. Don't scream," Hiro told me as we were going up a little higher.

Baymax landed on top of the Golden Gate Bridge [more or less. i suppose that's what it's called in the movie because that is the bridge, the design was just changed to make it more Asian in the movie i'm pretty sure. xD] to take a break. His wings retracted. Hiro and I were breathing hard. The flight was amazing though. The city sparkled in the dimming light. Baymax suddenly said, "Both of your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily."

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