Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I leaned back on the plush cushion of my office chair making circles on my temple with index finger of my hands. That cannot be cure for a severe headache and I suspect a borderline cold, but massaging temple is the most instinctive thing I do when I am hit with headache.

Lack of sleep was unleashing its true colours interrupting with my work. This time I can't even blame Omkara or the girls for keeping me up for anything as mundane as family time, like once when they wanted to watch Frozen together because it was midweek off from school. I am supposed to take the blame solely. I hate that thought more than constant headache and occasional sneezing.

"A minute." The door to my cabin opened and Harsha from Human resources popped her head in.

"Sure!" I gave her the smile I have ready and practiced for any professional interaction.

"The cheque got through and your account must be credited with pay already." She smiled back at me her professional interaction smile. I not for the first time wondered even if her out of work smile was this....toothy.

I nodded and she left as quickly as she came. Sliding my phone from my pocket, I checked the messages to see the familiar six figure salary credited to my account. A small smile spread on my lips at the sight. If this isn't motivation to work harder and harder, what could be? Of course, if anyone asks, I am going to say my motivation is 'client satisfaction along with growth of the company.' Who doesn't lie?

I remember my first salary was the same except that it didn't have last two zeros. Just like today, even that day I kept staring at my small nokia phone etching the message in memory. That day beside me was Omkara my then colleague, if you could call a fellow intern that, and this day I had a cabin of my own in an office where I joined as just an intern. I have Omkara too, I guess, maybe in spirit.

The day we received our first stipend was the day Omkara and I went on our first date. Well, the date I consider our first. It was at a Chinese restaurant that refused to give us fork. Until few years ago, Omkara used to tell everyone our first date was the day first time he asked me out, at a food truck eating half burnt momos. Once after I gave him cold shoulder for sharing that not so fascinating first date story with my colleagues, he stopped referring to it as our first date or maybe he stopped referring to anything about our pre-wedding days as whole.

I inhaled sharply as I clicked the power button and threw the phone on my work table. Has Omkara changed? I wondered not for the first time.

We didn't have a fairy tale romance. Nothing akin to the princess stood by the prince when the whole world outcaste him story Omkara keeps telling the girls. It was just a silly team up we had to do for our six months internship period. We were in odd number. No one wanted to pick the awkward boy who interacted with no one during one week orientation. So, when it came to me to choose between him and a girl who was giving me 'I-will-try-to-be-your-new-clingy-best friend', I chose him. Omkara was exceptional with words and I was a genius when it came to creative ideas and marketing, so we made the best team for next three years till Omkara took a three week paternity break and never went for a full time job in the past nine years.

When we were married after two years of dating, I was already climbing ladders in steady pace career front while Omkara was switching departments unsure where to fit in with his lack of direction. "I am working." He would shrug when I ask him why he lacks ambition or drive. Technically, Omkara didn't lack both. He just didn't have them enough to fight in cut throat corporate world. He is the kind of man who steps back when everyone is fighting for the pie and says he will wait for his turn or just grab a donut instead.

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