Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"It was pure luck." I countered at my father when he won third consecutive game of cards.

"You keep saying that all the time." He said with mirth in his eyes as he skilfully shuffled the cards.

I would have reminded my Dad the one time I managed to beat him, but my girls entered the living room bringing with them word tussle about who was at wrong when they were playing tag in the garden with Preeti and some neighbour kids.

"I will be in mumma's team." Misha announced as she pounced on me unannounced and sat on my lap. I caught my first born around her hip and kissed her forehead.

"No, I will be in mumma's team." Declared Nidhi as she tried to pull Misha off my lap.

"You be in Papa's team." Misha ordered.

"No!" Nidhi countered.

If they are going to be anything like me and my siblings, then this kind of scuffle is never going to end. It never should.

It goes without saying that younger one should be supported in such situation. It's always up to elder one to understand. I compromised for Preeti. Our brother compromised for both of us. So, I was about to tell Misha to go sit with Omkara, but Omkara beat me to it.

"Nidhi, come to Papa. You know the rule, don't you? Who claims first gets it first."

We don't have such rules in house, do we? I looked at Omkara frowning. I never try to by pass him in parenting, because he gets hang of all these things easier and clearer than me. But, I thought it was unwritten rule that we support the younger, so that she doesn't get upset. Omkara's eyes conveyed that it can be discussed later and so I let him drag Nidhi to his lap and place his set of cards in front of her as if asking her opinion.

"Let us both be in your Papa's team." Preeti said as she sat beside Omkara and ruffled Nidhi's hair.

"Are you not playing?" my dad asked.

"No, I will pass this time. I will be in Omkara's team." She informed.

I noticed Omkara's eyes were still on me. I simply shook my head in disinterest. When did game of cards become a team game?


Later that night, after supper, I was in the kitchen with my mom chatting, while she was heating up kheer for dessert.

"Why are you letting Preeti do this?" I asked. Omkara did tell me that it wasn't my business, but how couldn't it be?

"Do what?" my mother asked confused.

"Not letting her venture out."

My mother looked at me and scoffed. "Excuse me!" she sounded offended. "Are you accusing me of what I think you are?"

I sighed. "I am not accusing." I reasoned.

"What else?"

"She can't be wasting her talent here."

"For one, she is not wasting her talent. She keeps talking about some online business in etsy or ebay or something. And two, how is that your business?"

"Seriously, mom! She is my sister. I care about her."

My mom placed the ladle on side and turned towards me. She folded her hand and lifted her eyebrows far from even her nerdy spectacles.

"Quote 'What I do is my choice. Don't tell me how to live my life.' Unquote. I can't think of who said this." She rubbed her forehead with tip of her pointer finger.

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