Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I love looking into Omkara's eyes, but if you ask me what colour his eyes is, I wouldn't be able to tell. I will want to say brown and I will want you to believe me, but I know I will be wrong. That is the only summary of my love story with my husband I could think of.

I love him. I don't love him the way I should love someone like him, but I also want the credit for as if I love him the only way he should be loved.

I smiled at my own thoughts and looked out of the window. If Omkara hears my thoughts he is going to shake his head murmuring I had gone crazy and ask me if I want coffee. Omkara can't hear me now, though. He is in the passenger seat watching Preeti carefully for anytime she could kill us by knocking the car on something. The car swerved towards right and Omkara immediately held the steering wheel to bring it back to position. What was supposed to be a romantic (yes, that word exist in my dictionary) ride to market with my husband is now driving lessons for Preeti who was adamant than my youngest to join us in this short outing.

After Omkara dropped us both in corner of the market street and drove off to find parking, I turned to my sister with a half smirk. I didn't want to be mean to her, but an opportunity to make fun of your sibling is so much tempting.

"Broke your tooth while learning to ride bicycle, hairline fracture during bike and now, while learning car are you planning to kill or get killed?"

Preeti narrowed her eyes at me and her mouth twisted in annoyance. "I am sure Omkara won't anything happen to me or others. That's why he is teaching me."

With that said, my sister walked away with a stomp that could give a toddler run for their money. I couldn't help but chuckle at her retreating figure. When did she shift from calling him jijs to Omkara, anyway?

"Shall we?" Omkara was behind me when I was still busy looking at my sister wondering where she was going.

I turned to look at Omkara and was about to tell him I am heading to a toy shop, but stopped myself. I am not going to accept in front of him that I forgot to buy gift for my daughter's birthday.

"I am just going to buy some toiletries." I said. "You can go take printouts or something. I will meet you near my favourite bakery. You know the one near..."

"I know." Omkara cut me

Of course. I thought, but didn't say. How can he not remember anything that is related to me or kids or my parents or anyone who he genuinely cares about?

It didn't take me much to buy a gift for Nidhi. It was not because I know what I want. It was because there wasn't much option to choose from. My challenge was not buying part, but hiding it carefully so that no one finds out I bought it here and not from Mumbai. I can judge myself, but someone else can't.

I reached my favourite bakery after hiding gift wrapped box under pile of toiletries I don't even need. When I couldn't find Omkara there, I called him and found out that Preeti and he were in a small boutique nearby.

Frankly, I wouldn't go far enough to call it a boutique. It was a...garment shop? Apparently, my sister designed few gowns for a bride on behalf of them and now they are going to pay her by letting her choose anything worth 5000.

First when I heard it, I wanted to roll my eyes, then laugh and certainly berate my sister for wasting her fashion designer degree in a small city like Ooty instead of taking my advice of moving to Mumbai or Chennai. However, I didn't do any of this because my husband not only made eyes at me to keep quiet, but also held my hand and took me to men's section 'to show something'.

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