Season 1 - Episode 2: LIFE'S A HAPPY SONG

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Mike, a Manhattan bartender down on his luck, finds himself evicted from his Bronx apartment.  A walk to clear his head ends in a tragic accident where he wakes up at Fairy Tale Inn in the magical land of Crum where townsfolk burst into song, and all is bright and cheerful... or is it?  Often the happiest places are facades for something darker.
Can Mike accept his new identity as Moredread and save our favorite fairy tale characters from a fate far more sinister than being stuck in a chorus line?

Mike O'Malley is having a really bad day.  Not only was he evicted from his New York apartment, beat within an inch of his life by his loan shark, and dumped by his girlfriend without warning, but he's also woken up in a medieval tavern in a town called Crum. 
Strange things are happening.  People randomly burst into song.  And there's this cat... Mike swears the inn's cat, Bartholomew, is the one and same as the finicky Mr. Nibbles owned by his downstairs crazy cat lady neighbor from New York. 
To make matters worse, he's found himself under the threat of eviction from Crum's Fairytale Inn, unless he pays off the debt through indentured servitude.
Can the day get any weirder?
Maybe the singing telegram knocking on his door has the answer.

Previously on Moredread…

(Season 1 - Episode 1: EVICTED)

“Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!”

Mike looked up to see his friend, Sullivan Del Veccio, fully wired with blood shot eyes. Mike sighed. “Hey Sulli.”

Sullivan sat on a bar stool so quickly it spun. He smacked the counter top. “Guess what day it is.”

Mike tossed the rag over his broad shoulder and leaned forward. “Tell me.”

“The day we pops ovah’ta Belmont and snag that carry-over from yesta’day’s pick six.”

Mike hung his head and shook it. “Sorry, Sulli. I can’t today. I gotta close.”

“Aw, c’mon, Mikey. You love the ponies.”

“Nah, man. I’m in too deep this time. If I don’t pay up soon, I’m gonna be hurtin’.”


Mike took a breath to calm himself. “Sorry to bother you, Mister Lambropulos. I, uh, seem to be locked out of my apartment.”

Lambropulous squinted at him. “Yes. You are no more two-b.” He began to shut the door.

Mike shoved his foot in between the door and the jamb. “Whaddya mean I’m ‘no more two-b’? Why am I locked out?”

Lambropulous sighed. “You are three months late. No more two-b.”


“There’s this guy I’m collectin’ on.” Benny plucked the cigarette from between his teeth and blew out the smoke. “Seems he can’t stay current on his dues.”

Mike chuckled. “Funny you should say that. I know this guy who’s having a really rough week.”

“That’s interesting, O’Malley. Such a guy’s been sayin’ dat for months now. I loaned him a little to have a nice day at the track once. Then he needed a bit to cover his rent. Had to take a girl out, all nice like. Yet he can’t seem to cough up what he owes me.” He flicked the cigarette to the ground and crushed it beneath his polished dress shoe. He stepped toward Mike, his slicked-back hair black as sin. “I’m afraid it’s time to pay the piper, one way or another.” He reeled back and socked Mike in the belly.

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