Chapter 1

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I had been tirelessly tapping my fingers on the keyboard, monotonously writing cooking up suspense in a family feud story for tomorrow's print. It's been three boring years working for this newspaper. Running around in heat and sweat, looming around narrow lanes, peeking in other's personal matters, collecting information and using my boring creativity to churn out interesting stories for my few loyal readers. A broken shattered table, a broken chair, sitting in the corner of the room which I was lucky enough to get for a newbie like me, with papers full of data and pictures scattered on my table, smoking through my way at the end of the day to write up a story.

Suddenly, I miss him. I miss him so much that I want bang into walls, punch through the doors, beg and beg for him to come back to me. I cry in the nights, reminiscing of the past, when his lips touched mine, when his fingers pierced my skin, all the bite marks swamped over my body, his rough breath, his craving, I miss everything.

Having completed the story, I handed over it to the editor. She gave me a glance and accepted it gleefully. Not everyone receives such gratitude from her. There must be an advantage of being her nephew. She was my only relative left after my parents died. I have an elder brother, who's useless. He holds a pretty good position in one of the affluent companies but is reluctant to take care of me. It was my aunt, who took my responsibility and offered me this job after I was broken.

I graduated with good scores, but I did not want any white-collar job. I wanted a challenge so that I can be busy and forget him. But despite, running around for the whole day, immersing myself in my job, in the end I only see him when I shut my eyes. There was a time when I didn't sleep at all. Because I saw him in every damn dream which was killing me. I tried to kill myself, but it was all in vain. My aunt saved me, and my damn brother disowned me. Like I needed his mercy. We never saw each other eye to eye. He hated that I was gay. I was a disgrace to his high-and-mighty family.

I reached my condo where I stay alone. I have enough stuff for a bachelor guy like me. Sometimes, I go out to a gay bar, find a mate for the night, have fun and come back home. I see him everywhere. Every guy I fucked—I only saw him. Why do I miss him so much? No matter how many touches I have experienced, his skin is imprinted on me. My body tingles with goosebumps when I remember his fingers gliding over my shoulders. An electric wave lights up my body when I think of his mouth on me. He was the only one to whom I surrendered. Because he said, he was always the top. But then, he left me. Just like that. Got married to that old flame of his. He left me, broken-hearted, to live a deathful life without him. I hate him. I hate Tharn.

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