Chapter 12

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P'Fai often shared some of his happy pics with the pup. And there was one sneaky pic where P'Zan was playing with him, he seemed quite happy. It made me recall the time when P'Zan and I used to sneak out of the house to feed this stray cat who happened to give birth to 5 kittens in our backyard. Mom used to scold us often that we were drinking milk more than required. Well, she never shouted at us, but when she found out what we were doing, she took the cat in and took care of her. The cat stayed with us and the kittens, but one day they just left and never came back. Well we were quite sad to be honest. But it was a good time.

Tharn was doing fine, I think. His big dark circles were going off. He had started to sleep and eat well. He would also cook for me. As he had told me he also went out to Universities to distribute his resumes to find a job. Things were fine, but I somehow felt like I missed the old Tharn. He would never leave me alone.

Today, while I immersed in my story for the paper, Tharn called me and informed he would be late as he was going out to talk to his old boss where he used to play his band. To find out if they could have him back. Well, I was glad he was becoming normal. After a while I also got a call from P'Fai who asked me if I could join in for lunch as he was in the nearby area. I agreed and we met at our decided place.

P'Fai seemed quite happy these days. He was getting to live with P'Zan but he was holding back. I was concerned about him.

"P''s it going between you two? Did you talk to him?" I asked.

"No...not yet...but the way Zan is becoming too comfortable around me, he's literally tempting me..." P'Fai looked worried.

"Pfft...hahaha..." I started to laugh loudly. People around started to stare at me. I apologized.

"What's so funny about this?" P'Fai became angry. Well not literally angry, but a show off.

" are calling my gloomy-don't-you-dare-come-close-to-me looking brother a temptation...hahaha...really...P you need a psychotherapist....Haha...a psychiatrist needing a psychotherapist...imagine...haha..." I laughed again.

"Shut up...Type...I thought I could talk to you freely..." P'Fai became gloomy.

Ah so stupid of me. "Sorry na P...I didn't mean to upset you..." I apologized.

"Well forget it...I am not going to talk to you about him anymore..." P'Fai was still upset.

"Extremely sorry P...please...why don't you confront him again...and if you are scared, gulp down some pegs and give it a shot." I said jokingly. P'Fai looked at me like he was seriously thinking about it.

"I was joking na P..." I apologized again.

He hmphed and asked me how Tharn was doing. So, I told him he was doing fine. He had gone to meet his previous boss for work and also went out to Universities for job.

It kind of clicked me, so suddenly I asked P'Fai.

"Um...P'Fai...Tar was you patient, right? How is he doing?" I asked him.

"He is not my patient anymore. He left for US." P'Fai told me something that I was already aware of. I wanted to ask something else, but was not sure of how to form the question.

I think he sensed it.

"You want to know about Tharn?" He asked. I nodded.

"To be honest, Type...Tar was not my in he was referred to me because my colleague who was his actual doctor transferred from our hospital. He was also my batchmate. So through him I got Tar's case." P'Fai answered.

"Did Tharn also visit you then?" I asked him.

"Yeah, he did. Well I wanted to talk to you about this. When you guys came over for dinner the other day, Zan told me that he felt Tharn was still struggling with his past. He was talking normally, but he was not confident the was he used to be. So, I thought of checking with you. I know it's not my business to ask, but still, did you guys make up?"

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