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Error listened to Blue's information, scowl growing darker with every word.

"sO", he snarled, "Ink dEcIDeS tHAt hE wIlL gAThEr a bUNcH oF sANsEs, cReAtEd jUsT FoR kiLlInG mE, oR GeTtInG kIlleD bY mE. He WiLL cREaTe A nEw WorLd, cOMpleTELy eMpTy bUt sTiLl tAkInG uP cOdE iN tHe mULtIvErsE, As a LurE." Seething, he slashed at the nearby strings, tearing the bindings far above. Dolls fell from the sky like corpses. "hOw sTUpiD doES hE thINk I aM!?"

"W-well I don't think that's what he was going for, if he knows that you have no choice. Apparently the new world is 'a very big data drain' in Ink's words. T-trying to destroy it is inevitable, maybe?" Blue tapped his foot. "And are you sure that the Sanses were created just to kill you?"

Error quickly considered that, but he recalled that Ink had never been much of a fan of killing his works. Well, there was one way to determine that. "HoW mANy mOnSTeRS fROm OrigInAl AuS arE tHErE?

Blue cringed. It seems that he came to the same realization.

"Almost none..."

"MiGHt aS wElL sCoPe ThEm oUt. I dOUbT tHeY aRe MoRE tHaN cAnNoN fOdDeR, BuT tHErE iS nO hArM iN sEEinG hOW maNy hE gAthErEd." He tore open the air, creating a portal that does not lead to a place, but rather breaks the space within it into source code. Error peered into the flowing binary code, sucking in a sharp breath.

"What is it?"

"A ViRuS."


<Doodle Sphere>

"Is everybody ready?"

Over a hundred monsters from different Aus and backgrounds stood to attention, bone and dust soldiers prepared to give their lives to put down the destroyer. Ink looked upon his makeshift army, determined yet ecstatic at the ambition of being the last of the original gods remaining. Nothing would hold him back, there will be no more obstacles, no more chains! The Gods acted so callously, giving him all the world, all the possibility, and then restricting him from doing as he truly wanted, unable to touch the light above, to carry out his inspiration. But no longer.

Now how should he decide the terrain of the empty Au? His hollow world would look good with jagged spires, he mused, so that anyone who touched the ground would be skewered. But Error would gain an advantage, since his strings would latch on the jagged ridges and secure him while his minions would fall and be skewered. What a shame. A series of hills with a central valley would do the job, and his army could have the upper ground and the element of shock (he doubted that Error would feel surprised). His mind made up, Ink went to work, painting the hills and valleys with a flat white, where a dark skeleton would be exceedingly visible, rolling hills appearing with a flourish as the temporary monsters watched on in awe.

Good. They will be more easy to maneuver if they worship him.

More quick to sacrifice themselves against Error's fury.

"Ink!", Dream called. Ink had sent him to gather a few of the Board of Sanses, to witness the events about to take place, and aid the other monsters if necessary. Well, all except for-

"Blue is missing!"


"What do you mean he is missing?! He knew the plan, and we had so many meetings to confirm the date and time!" Dream blinked at him for a moment, stunned. He realized that his masks had started to slip, due to his apprehension and the inordinate amount of red in his vial, saved for the occasion of finally bashing Error's face in. Get ahold of yourself, Ink.

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