Not Young ^_^

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"Oh my gosh.! I'll be late again.! aigoo..ottoke?!" Katie exclaimed to herself, rushing to her room and grabbing all her school supplies then headed out of the house ...

It has been almost 3 years since she has been there, living with her aunt and her family.. She went to the city to study, but of course, as her aunt has alwys been telling her, she can't stay there for FREE, she must WORK.! so, that's it.. her routine for the past years, until now, waking up early, cooking for her cousins, preparing their food for school, waking them up, feeding them, dressing them up, preparing them for school, then after thay had been fetched by the school bus, that's when she'll have her time to rush all the things she needed to do for her own self..then after school, she must go home straight cause she does'nt wanna be scolded by her wicked aunt.. then she'll gonna clean the house, cook food, feed her cousins, prepare them for bed, then do extra things she was told to do, then when the whole family is already in their rooms, that's her rest time.!! exciting life, right?! naahh.. it's so tiring and boring for her.. yet she has to keep on going cause she has dreams that she wanted to achieve and fulfill..Though everyone is aways teling her to get out of that haunted mansion, that she's Not Young anymore, that she can make her own decisions, yet there are certain complications that keep her.. [you'll know soon]

"Hey! You're late again!", her friend Ailee greeted her with a mocking smile.

"Is our Professor inside?", Katie asked while breathing heavily cause of running.

"Nah, you're lucky today. He has a meeting so he won't meet us today." she winked at the relieved girl..

"Ah great.! i almost fell off the jeep and got hit rushing, and now, he won't meet us?! what the.!" Katie exclaimed in disbelief.! but of course she liked it.! she won't be marked late again..

", i heard about this concert thing happening in January---"

"kyaa~ Dream KPop Fantasy Concert.!!"

"Hei, not so loud girl! ok ok, so what is this KFC thing all about?"

so, you see, Katie may not have  a perfect life and has been experiencing sufferings, she still is staying strong. one ofher reasons is KPOP, which has been her "someone to lean on"..  she is undeniably a KPop fan..! One can totally say that she is addicted to it.! and wanna know the group she has been currently obsessed with?! oh yes, the famous underrated International Kpop Group, UKISS.! and she would do anything just to see them.! ANything.!

"well, Ailee.! That concert is finally my chance to see UKISS and KEVIN my love.! and im going to watch it no matter what.! nobody can stop me.!" Katie exasperatedly nearly-shouted to the bewildered yet amused friend of hers.

"ok ok.! i understand.! you don't have to shout at me!" the long-haired petite girl said, "But, do yuo think you're aunt will let you go?"

aww.! that's it! that's exactly her long-time problem.! ever since she has been a kpop fan, eventhough she wanted to attend events like concerts, fanmeets and everything, she can't go.! BECAUSE her aunt won't let her.! aigoo.. poor Katie..

She's not young anymore, yet her actions are controlled and limited like that of a 12 years old.!


"Hey! wake up guys! we still have recording to do! we shouldn't be late!" Soohyun woke up his members.."Eli, wake Dongho up."

"Yah! Dongho-yah! get up now!" blond-haired Eli tried to wake their maknae.. yet it's no use. Dongho isn't even moving a finger..

"I'll try to wake him."! the angelic face, brunette Kevin blurted in.. "aigoo, i wish Kibum hyung is still here, then we won't be having difficulty waking him up."

"Kevin! Stop mentioning who's not here.!", the leader glared at the younger member.

The other members kept silent..they don't know why Soohyun is acting this way towards their former member, yet they didn't have the guts to know it.. they have the thinking that it will just stir trouble. so being silent is the right thing to do..

Kevin didn't mind what Soohyun said at all.. He just went straight to the black-haired maknae's room and lay beside him.. He pulled down the blanket covering the cute face then whispered, "Dongho-yah! i guess you really need to sleep more so that you can grow well.. however, this isn't the time! we have recording to do! want to be kicked out of UKiss, too?!"

"hyuuuung--" Dongho lifted his head at the older one..

"you wash up and we'll gonna eat already, nae?!" the angel smiled sweetly..

"aishh..arrasseo!" the youngster got up from bed then went straight to the bathroom, while Kevin just sat at the bed watching him with an amused expression..

"aigoo..our maknae has grown a lot now.. he's not that young cutiepie we used to tease before.. aww..wait, if he has grown, than i must have been older also!" certain things run in Kevin's mind..then he decided to join the other at the table.

"so, how did it go?"Hoon asked while preparing a plate for Kevin.

"well, good..and i'm quite famished now.."the younger one smiled and sat on his place on the table.

"Dongho really should be trained! He's Not Young anymore to be acting so baby-ish.!"Soohyun exclaimed, in between eating his sandwich.

"aw.. never mind him! he's cute, though!" red-haired Kiseop said giggling..

the maknae suddenly entered the dining room, and everyone's attention turned to him, teasing him and everything.. but of course, eventhough the older members are like that, they do really love their maknae.. he's their center of happiness..that's all!

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