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It was a bright morning when a certain pokemon, oshawott woke up starting his first day at school.

Oshawott: *yawns*

Oshawotts dad: wake up oshawott, we made breakfest

Oshawott: im coming.

Oshawotts mom: hello sweetie I made you some pancakes

Oshawott: thanks mom.

Oshawotts dad: you don't want to be late for school today, i dropped your baby sister to daycare

Oshawott: ok thanks dad. Bye

*leaves the house*

Oshawott: so its my first day at school huh.


*they both fell on the ground*

Oshawott: ow are you ok

???: yeah im fine, say i dont think we have met before

Oshawott: oh im oshawott

???: nice to meet you. I'm chespin

Oshawott: nice to meet you



*They both ran toward school and they made it in time*

Oshawott: lets go to the school board to get our schedules for class

Chespin: my class is.... Mr. Blastoise at room 507

Oshawott: thats the same class we got.

Chespin: lets go

Oshawott: ok

*They both got into their classes and took a seat down until the teacher comes*

Oshawott: so yeah is this your first time here

Chespin: yeah

*Someone walked up to them and introduced themselves*

???: hi I'm scraggy you guys want to be friends

Oshawott: sure

Chespin: ok

Blastoise: Class is in session today everyone kindly take their seats today.

Blastoise: so this is our first day of school i want everyone kindly present theirselves.

Oshawott: hi im oshawott and I am good at swimming

Chespin: im chespin and I like to do gardening

Scraggy: im scraggy and i am a fighter.

Braixen: my name is braixen and i am a good performer

Pikachu: im pikachu and i like running

*the introduction goes on until they reach the last part with torkal

Torkal: i-im t-t-torkal.

Blastoise: ok class so today is a free day until the school ends for the day. Feel free to hang around the school.

Scraggy: hey guys

*WARNING- this part will have violence in it so if you don't want to see this part then i suggest you skip this part. You have been warned.*

Electabuzz: where is my lunch money loser

Torkal: i- I dont have it

Electabuzz: *punches torkal* you dont know what happens when i dont get what i want

Torkal: i-im Sorry *cries*

Chespin: hey leave her alone

Electabuzz: oh look some more losers stay out of this

Scraggy: i think bullies like you should get a life

Electabuzz: fine you losers will be next soon. Watch out.

Oshawott: are you ok

Torkal: y-yeah im fine

Chespin: we should get you to the nurse

Scraggy: cmon i know where it is

*They went to the nurses office and torkal got healed up*

Torkal: thank you guys so much

Oshawott: say want to be friends

Torkal: sure

Chespin: we should return to our houses

Scraggy: bye guys

*the next day*

Oshawott: huh whats going on..

Chespin: Oshawott we have a problem...

To be continued...

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