Chapter 24: Team Nightmare

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* pikachu, drizzile, bunnelby, and torkoal was walking to the abandoned facility where they saw something flashing*

Pikachu: Come on guys we are almost there

Bunnelby: why do i hear something

*a rampaging beartic attacked them*

Everyone: Ahhh

Bunnelby: *uses mudshot*

Torkoal: *uses flamethrower

*beartic takes damage and runs away*

Drizzile: everyone okay?

Bunnelby: yeah we should go

Torkoal: hey guys we can take the secret passage

Pikachu: okay

*but then... there was a secret organization that was plotting something.*

Drizzile: shh look

Pikachu: wait... i remember that person. he's one of my childhood friends.

Servant: sir! our EM cannon is ready for testing

???: Perfect... once it is ready to use we will take the machine to take control of the strongest pokemon and attack star city

First Leader: i believe that we have some unexpected guests

*light shines on them*

Pikachu: shoot they found us

???: oh its you again

Pikachu: well darkrai we meet again

darkrai: well since your here i shall explain of what im doing now. This organization is called team nightmare and we plan on taking over the world.

Bunnelby: *uses dig to break out of the ropes*

Drizzile: looks like we are surrounded

Torkoal: *uses firespin on the grunts*

Grunts: *uses shadow ball and energy ball*

Pikachu: *uses electro web to stop the ttacks*

Darkrai: *uses night shade on bunnelby*

Bunnelby: *takes damage but gets back up and uses sludge bomb*

Darkrai: *dodges*

Torkoal: *uses overheat on the Em machince

*the machine gets burn up and explodes*

pikachu: give it up you wont succeed

Darkrai: thats none of your buisness *copies into pikachu*

Fake: pikachu now which one is the real one

Bunnelby: if your the real pikachu then thunderbolt wouldnt have effect on me

Darkrai: *uses tunderbolt on bunnelby*

Bunnelby: *takes damage* thats the fake pikachu

Drizzile: *uses water gun on darkrai*

Darkrai: *takes damage* urgh this is a waste of time everyone we shall leave soon *taakes helecpoter

*the team members took different helicopters to escape

torkoal: they escaped!!!

pikachu: lets leave them

*soon later at sunset*

Drizzile: so pikachu, what happend between you two

Pikachu: lets say that he was worst of the worst. he killed my best friend. and then he burnt the place where we were. my friend told me to ditch him to save myself. then i decided to take revenge on him. seeing what happened with chespin... i didnt want other people to suffer the same problem as i did.. so i had to help. but then since i escaped the place. i was lost until the rescue team found me and i had to go back to the place where i left him and the whole place was destroyed and he was nowhere to be seen.

torkoal: im so sorry for your loss...

bunnelby: so thats why you hated him...

drizzile: i hope you get okay soon...

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