Chapter 22: Enter Raboot and drizzle

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???: if i can keep running i might make it to sch- *bumps into Oshawott*

Oshawott: ow...

???: whoops, sorry

Oshawott: its okay. Say... I have never seen you before

???: im new. Whatda expect. Names Raboot

Oshawott: im oshawott

Raboot: well i should go now later oshawott 👋

Oshawott: alright

Chespin: hey dude who was that you were talking about

Oshawott: that was raboot he was new to the school

Chespin: he seemed nice

Oshawott: we should go to class

Chespin: okay

*at class*

Teacher: we are gonna be merging classes with ms diance's class starting next month

Teacher: i will be attending other buisness with the set up for the party so mr deoxys will be taking over the class until the end of tomorrow. He is a smart and kind teacher. I must be going now enjoy the free time

Pignite: so... One more day until the party starts

Oshawott: meh I hope its good

Pikachu: well while we are at it then why not just relax

Torkal: lets go out and walk around

Scraggy: good point

*later while they were walking*

Raboot: for the last time im not gonna join ya creeps unless if you want to get beaten by me

Oshawott: these guys messin with you?

Raboot: yeah... Come help me teach these old men a lesson

Electabuzz: OLD MEN?!?!?!

Gastridon: that does it *uses hyper beam*

???: *uses water gun*

*the hyper beam exploded and a random drizzle appeared in the distance*

Drizzle: leave them alone

Ninjask: who is that

Aggron: ah. It looks like we have a bunch of wimps getting in our way again

Electabuzz: lets go guys

Drizzle: you guys okay?

Raboot: yeah. But we never met before

Oshawott: im oshawott

Raboot: raboots the name

Drizzle: im drizzle

Snivy: Oshawott we cane as soon as possible

Pikachu: uh...

Raboot: lemme guess... Your his friends

Sylveon: yeah. Wait... Your that new kid from our class

Drizzle: oh yeah we became friends since lunchtime

Raboot: oh yeah i havent introduced my self to the rest of you guys.

Raboot: im raboot. The fastest pokemon.

Pikachu: why not sign up for track team

Raboot: will do

Drizzle: im drizzle i go to the same class with bunnelby and the girls except torkal

Pignite: hey its getting late guys we should go

Bunnelby: alright


Togedemaru: why arent me, braixen, and greninja arent in this chapter

Greninja: yeah i was expecting like a small line or something

Me: you cant always be in every episode *drags them to the sidelines*

*back to chapter*

Torkal: so yeah I'm gonna go to the mall with the girls so we'll see you guys tomorrow

Raboot: alright later

Bunnelby: so what do you do in your spare time guys

Pikachu: i usually do track team every Fridays at the end of school

Raboot: im signing up for track

Oshawott: i just usually go play some video games at my room or something

Pignite: yeah looks like you guys might know what I do in my spare time with my gameroom

Scraggy: train for the league

Raboot: i think i might sign up for it too

Oshawott: well looks like we all should go back home later guys.

Everyone else: bye

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