Chapter 17

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Bonus chapter : P.S. Don't hate me!!

Althea Garcia Hela Silvermoon

Just then, he walks in his glory, void of any emotions on his beautiful face. Even in plain black jeans and a t-shirt, he looked out of this world. Tall. Mysterious. Handsome. He was perfect, whichever way I looked at him.

Even though I hated attention, I craved his. I wanted his blue eyes to look at me for once. To notice the little, me. The insignificant me. In this crowd of werewolves, I wanted him to notice the human, me.

He walks to the middle of all the people with such power as the crowds goes quiet. Then he starts to speak, his voice loud and clear. "This celebration is for your Gamma Tray's and his mate Natalie." He goes over to the table and picks up a cup and raises it in the air.

"Congratulations." The crowd follows his movement and echoes of 'congratulation' fills the land.

They once again continue to talk and laugh. Even if it was just a glimpse, I think he smiled. It made a smile of my own appear on my face as I shamelessly stare at him. I'm pretty sure everyone notices it, but nobody bothers to say anything. I'm feel like a creep but right now I don't mind, if that means I get to look at him.

I think he looked at me too. But as soon as he turns my way, he turns right back. He talks to them for some time before he walks out the crowded field and back into the house.

I'm not going to lie but I was disappointed. He didn't even bother looking my way. Somehow, I felt a need to see him again. Maybe talk to him. If that was even possible. I felt like he didn't like me much.

My heart tightens at that thought. I stand up determined now. I'm going to find out.

So, I walk across the field, avoiding everyone and their eye contacts as I made way into the house. Then I followed my sense and retraced the steps to where I saw him before.

Hesitantly, I stand in front of the closed door that he once came out from. I take a deep breath and knock on it. Once. Twice. Thrice.


Maybe he wasn't in there. It doesn't hurt to try once more. As I'm about to knock, his deep voice invites me in.

I slowly twist the doorknob and open the door, to reveal a somewhat familiar office. He sat on the huge chair behind a desk and right behind him was a tall glass window.

As I walked closer to him, I could see the clear view of the field, of everyone. Did he ever look at me from here? The thoughts crossed my mind. But who was I kidding, why would he?

When I flicker my eyes down to his face, he was already looking at me. But there were no emotions in them. Silence filled the room as I now stood before him. Why was I here again? I squint my eyes as I try to think but that only earns me a growl which makes me jump back a little in surprise.

My heart now thumping hard. I knew he was getting impatient and he looked about ready to get rid of me. "A-are you sure that you don't k-know me because I f-feel like I-"

"I don't know you." His deep voice stops me.

I squint my eyes at him. Why do I feel like he's lying to me? "Do you not like my presence around here?" I found confidence in my voice as I looked deep into his eyes.

Aries Blackwood

It was not her presence that bothered me. It was the very existence of her that I hated. And I loathed myself even more as I wanted to fall deep into those blue eyes of her.

Dear goddess, right now, I loathe you for the bond that you have formed between us. And that it is not her that you have given me. I will never accept this blessing of yours.

"If you have nothing more to say, then leave." My voice sounds cruel, even to me. But I cannot weaken my forte that I have built over the year just for a second chance. A mate that I didn't ask for.

But she takes a few more steps towards me and stands directly in front of me. "If you really don't like me, tell me and I'll leave but please let me know if I have done anything wrong. Why do you hate me?"

She begs me for answers as she barely holds herself together. I can see that she's on the verge of tears. She bites her trembling lips, but she cannot stop it from shaking.

And for a second I forget everything. All I see is her pain. She was suffering. I wanted to hold her tiny face and reassure her that it wasn't her that I hated. It was me. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was that she got into this mess. The goddess really was cruel. She was hurting an innocent soul. What would she accomplish by this?

I don't know why but I swear I saw Althea standing in front of me. I get off my chair in an instant and hold her in my arms, tightly. All the electric currents flowing through my body. I breath in her sweet scent that I have craved over the years.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I whisper in her ear as I place my neck on the base of her shoulder. "I'm sorry." I kept on repeating myself as I tighten my hold on her.

When I had finally calmed down, I slowly let go of her.

"I lo-"

Just then I saw those blue eyes of hers and realised who it was. And just as much as it pulled me in, this broke me out of my illusion too.

Her dark blue eyes. She was not her. How can I be so blind?

Althea Garcia Hela Silvermoon


My fluttering heart stopped.

He clearly didn't say that to me. Did he? But who else was here? There was only me and him in here. My body felt cold now that he had let go of me. I wanted to be back in those arms. I wanted to feel all those tingles dancing on my skin. I wanted to breath him in just as he was.

But his next words broke me. It ripped my heart out of my chest.

"I hate you." He turns around and slams the table and it breaks into half. I gasp in shock and take a step back.

"I hate the fact that you exist. I hate the fact that you were made for me. I don't want you. I never will. Till my dying breath."

No. Stop. Please. I don't want to hear anymore. I can't hear those words anymore. It hurts me. He ripped my heart apart.

"Get out and never come back again."

I feel my heart sink. His words cut me like a knife. I turn around as tears pool down my eyes. From my blurry vision, I saw flashes of people in this room. Six figures stood here. No. There was one more.

I saw her familiar long black hair. It was her. The girl that I kept seeing. Although, I didn't see her face properly, the hurt in those coal black eyes were clear.

So, there was another who got hurt in the same place as I did. My heart broke even more as I felt sad for both of us. I followed her tall figure as she walked out the broken window and disappeared into the dark.

Then I finally noticed his huge body that was on the floor as he sat on his knees, his body bent forward and his hands gripped his hair tightly. I wanted to go and comfort him, but his words burned my soul. Those words left a mark on my soul. Like I heard them before. It scorched my heart as he said it.

"I never want to see you again."


I turned on my heels and walked away from him. Slowly at first but my footsteps eventually matched my drumming heart as I started to run down the stairs and out the back door which was now empty.

Then I ran away from him.

My presence in here was no longer welcomed.

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