Chapter 21

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Third Person

When Evelyn was only a distance away, she looked back. The wooden cottage where she had left her. All alone. With no one to defend her if something or someone else comes over.

She sighed as she started to turn back, but her steps stooped as soon as she felt his disgusting presence. She quickly put a shield around her so, she was safe from him. At least for now. She saw his dark figure come through the trees and head toward the cottage.

No. No. No. Her mind kept repeating itself.

But she couldn't make her feet to move as she watched him slam the door down. She waited and waited as she prayed the goddess to keep her safe.

Minutes passed since. Unable to bear it anymore, Evelyn decided against her fears and entered the small cottage that she had been watching over. The closer she reached to the room that she left Althea in, the more of his dark powers she could feel. This monster. The monster that she escaped from, was here. She knew that he wanted her. Her powers.

She knew that she couldn't give in to him this easily. But she also knew that Althea's life might be in danger because of her. She had saved her only to lead her to face death once again.

With a stone in her heart, she stepped on the door, only to witness the horror before her. He held Althea's lifeless body by her neck, as her feet dangled off the ground. Dark red blood continuously streamed down her neck, further painting the white fabric of her torn dress.

She clenched her hands tightly. "Let her go." She screamed at him.

His sinister laughter only enraged Evelyn's heart that was already ablaze with fury. "Let. Her. Go." She said it again but this time warning clear on her voice.

"I seem to have found the tigress too." He lets go of Althea's body that falls on the floor with a loud thud and her lifeless body slumps on her side. He slowly turns around to face her with an atrocious grin on his face. "There, I let her go."

His voice was as dark as his soul. Evelyn knew that this monster had sold his soul to the devil himself. How did she know this?

Because, it was her parents who had helped him. While he held her captive, Evelyn's parents had done everything he had asked for. And when there was nothing more that they could do for him. He had killed them. Right in front of her.

And since she had nothing more to live for, she ran away. It was easier when there was no one to look out for. She was stronger like that. Until Althea came into her life. Now she had someone that she had to look back for. Now she was weaker.

"My sweet little tigress, you have made me search for you everywhere." The more he spoke, the more anger surged through her veins. Rage clouded her vision as she moved her hands only to be stopped by his hand on her neck too.

He clamped both her hands up by the hard-wooden wall. The dark matter flowed out of his body as it nullified any spell, she could call cast. She hated this power that her parents had blessed upon him. With it, he was invincible. She knew that there was no power on earth that could destroy this devil that now resides in him.

She struggled against his hold as she was strangled. Her breathing got heavier and raspier. "Ah, not so strong anymore, are we?"

His voice whispered on her face and she shivered in disgust. If he wasn't suffocating her lungs, she would have already emptied her stomach's contents. Her visions too started to cloud.

She had fallen right into his trap. With no one to save her again.

Just as she felt like there was no hope, she felt them. The werewolves. They were close. She had traps set up in places, all over the woods to alert her of any uninvited guests. Now she was glad that it was of some use to her.

Then her soul travelled across the woods in search for the one whose heart was desperately trying to find her dear friend. Her soul floated around, looking, searching for the one wolf.

Finally, she felt him. The werewolf with the blond hair who looked restless as he sniffed the air around him. He was the one. 'Hurry. She needs you.' Evelyn whispered only for him to hear.

He jerked his head upon hearing her call. 'Follow the sound of my voice.' Her soul lead the way to the cottage before it went back to Evelyn's body. She smiled as she looked into those eyes, fully covered in darkness.

"Y-you are too late." She somehow chocked those words out. This only enraged him as he tightened his hands on her neck. But lucky for her, a loud feral growl entered the cottage at the same time.

"It's not over yet." His voice carried out as he turned into black smokes and disappeared through the small opening on the wooden wall.

Evelyn started coughing and gasping for air as she too slumped on the ground, the hard, uneven wall supporting her body. In a flash, the same werewolf man sat beside Althea's body and stared at her with so much pain in his eyes.

His hands trembled as he reached out to touch her lifeless body. This made Evelyn think that for a huge, powerful werewolf like himself, he was showing a lot of weakness in front of this little human. She must have meant something to him.

"Put some pressure against the wounds on her neck. She's losing too much blood." Evelyn managed to say. He finally looked at her and growled at her as he came forward, blocking Althea's body from her.

"It's not me that you want to fight now." When she spoke again, he knew that this was the same voice that guided him here.

Nodding his head at her, he went back to Althea and covered the deep puncture of the claws that was still oozing out blood. Evelyn finally managed to get on her feet and walked by the door, where she had left her bag.

She carried it over to them and placed it on the ground. She took out the herbs that she had stored in case of emergency. She quickly put some on her open wounds and tied yet another bandage to her body.

"What is that?" He eyes Althea's neck suspiciously.

"My powers don't work on her for some reason, this is the best I can do for her." Evelyn too looks down at Althea, who was almost entirely covered in bandages. "She seems fine now. But anymore of this and she would end up looking like a mummy."

She smiles a little as she looks at her, but her smile disappears when a deep hungry growl comes from the door. She sighs as she thinks, what now?

The monster had found her. The werewolves have found her. All those that she ever wanted was to hide from, seems to have found her. All in one day. A few seconds difference.

She wondered what kind of game the goddess was playing as another voice sounded from the doorway. Forever changing her life.


Hey beautiful people. Sorry for the late update. My brain was not working for the last few days. Hope you enjoyed this one. Please vote and comment ❤️

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