Learn, Learn, and Learn Some More

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I started writing my pieces of music last year in late sixth grade. At the time I was new to band class and the instruments that I currently write music for and my music theory knowledge was limited. Since I've expanded my knowledge of some of the instruments and their ranges, the roles they play, etc. and music theory I've found that writing music has become easier. I heard once that composing is a skill, you have to learn about it and practice it to really get the hang of it. Your music may not be as could as it could be if you don't even know what chord progressions or major and minor scales are. Your music may sound strange and awkward if you don't know how high or low a certain instrument can go. That's why if you're in a musical class surrounded by instruments you should pay attention to them. My music would sound very different than how it does now if I weren't in a class like Band where I can hear and notice what the roles of the different instruments. You should learn, learn, and then learn some more. Knowledge is power and key.

I'd recommend joining a musical class or learning an instrument to further instrumental knowledge. As for furthering knowledge with music theory I recommend the three Excellence In Theory books by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin.

That's it for now! I hope this helped some!

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