When he got back with Dr.miller he checked on me.then I saw someone who looked so similar to a friend of mine.I asked him "what his name was?" and he said "johnny". I looked at him strongly but didn't say anything.he looked at me with fear.
Then my dad came running in and looked at me panting and shaking.out,from the corner of my eye I saw johnny slip out the side door.then I looked straight at my dad without saying a word.he keep trying to caught his breathe .I finally diecde to talk " dad breathe please ".I started to dose off and finally I fell asleep.
2 or I think so hours later Vang walk lumps in.the nose from the door woke me up.I saw he was in a fight because his shirt was all blooly and so was he." what happen Vang?are you alright?are you badly injured ?"I asked.
He didn't say a word but just collapsed into a chair in the room.at,7:47 p.m.he finally spoke"the reason I didn't answer you before,is because I was in shock "he looked up at me." what happen to you bud?"he continue."I got hurt and didn't eat for so long "I told.then the door opened and Eric walked in.
He looked at Vang for some reason ." why did you run out Vang ?"Eric ask."I need some air "Vang explain looking starght at the floor." well are you OK?"Eric ask again."I'm fine and how about you?"Vang ask looking over to Eric.
Then Eric close the door and walked over to me.then he just simled and just ask"what happen to you ken?"he ask."I got hurt and didn't eat in over a year"I told him.

Romancethis story is about ken and Kai two brother trapped .by this crazy guy who kidnapped them and injuryed ken .by stabbing him in the side and not giving them for a whole year his older brother, couldn't even take care about of his little brother Kai w...