Thriller Night

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        "Here -- Kurt, take my scarf, you look like your gonna freeze up!" I began unwinding my plaid, red scarf.

        My shivering friend, flipped up the colar of his black winter coat, shaking his head. "No, no. I'll be fine." he protested with a smile.

        "You sure?" I asked, winding the scarf back around my neck. "Cause I'm just fine without this..."

        Kurt placed a gloved hand on my shoulder, "I'm fine, okay? Thanks for the offer though."

        We both stood outside the Hummel's truck. Burt and Carol were still in the house. Burt couldn't find his keys and Carol had to go get Finn's water bottle that he had forgotten on his way out the door after dinner. So Kurt and I were stuck outside a locked truck. We could go back inside, but what was the point? We wouldn't be of much help anyways.

        The door finally opened and I heard a relieved sigh from Kurt. His dad and Carol came out, each with an arm around the other, Carol held a watter bottle in hand. Burt held up his keys, "Who's ready for some football?!"

        "I am!" I shouted.

        Kurt waved his hands in the air, "Yaayyy..." he said in a sarcastic manner.

        Burt unlocked the truck with a press of a button on his keys and Kurt and I scrambled into the back, eager to get out of the wind chill and into the warm, padded truck. As Burt buckled himself into the drivers seat he called back to Kurt, "Cheer up, kid. It's your brother's game."

        Mr. Hummel pulled out of the drive and set off for Lima High. Kurt looked out the window at the swiftly setting sun. "Yeah, I know... but I have no idea how they're even gonna play. Blaine says they need four more guys, but Finn won't tell me what they figured out. Even when I stopped bringing him warm milk!"

       I laughed to myself at the last thing he said, but I was thinking the same thing about the game. Everytime I asked Kurt what he knew, he said that Finn hadn't told him anything except that it was a really great plan. Soon though, our questions would be answered...


        As we made our way to the stands it was hard to find a spot since it was already crowded with rowdy fans. Despite the loss of the majority of McKinley's football team, I was surprised to see so many Titan fans. The visitor team made up maybe only a quarter of the spectators.

        At last we managed to squeeze into the thick of the stands. The opposing team was warming up on the left endzone and the McKinley Titans were huddled on the sidelines. All five of them that is...

        Suddenly I heard a gasp from Kurt and his hand came up and pointed down the feild. "No way!!!"

        "What?" I asked. Oblivious.

        Kurt took my arm and guided it to four figures striding towards the small team. They were all clad in football attire and I couldn't help but notice their long hair and feminine poise. "The girls?!" I asked, though I knew I was right.

        Kurt nodded. "Yeah. Mercedes, Rachel, Tina, and that wrestler girl, Lauren Zizes who replaced me when I left." his eyes wandered back to his closest friend. "God, I can't believe Rachel is playing football!"

        Burt and Carol didn't seemed as surprised, so we figured Finn had told them the plan but not us.


       The first half was rough for the McKinley Titans. Their only source of support was from their fans. Unfortunately the cheerleaders, or the Cheerios as Kurt told me they are called, were getting ready for their Reginals competition so they were not present at the championship game.

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