Chapter Fifteen: Truth or Dare Part Two

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Edit: translation fix

What the fruck. Handling a Crisis has over 2k reads and over 150 votes and my art book has  almost 150 views. I didn't even know it got to fifty! And I have over twenty followers???

Thank you guys so much for reading my work and looking at my crappy art! And thanks for following! I'm currently working on some stuff to celebrate, so keep an eye on the art book.

And now to the actual chapter...

"Ame, what happened after you left the bar with Russia?"

All eyes turned to America, who chuckled sheepishly. "I actually don't remember even leaving the bar," he told everyone.

He wasn't lying. America was too wasted to remember anything that happened after finishing around, maybe, half a bottle of bourbon? All he could remember was laughter, piano, and hugging something warm. Or was that someone?

America shrugged off the thought and looked at Germany. "Okay, Germany, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Germany replied. Vietnam took a shot of tequila.

America grinned. "I dare you to handcuff yourself to Poland for the rest of the game."

Germany frowned. "Really? And does Chapan effen haffe handcuvs?"

"Pretty sure my sis has some from when she was in charge of the country," Japan told Germany. "I'll go check!"

As Japan ran upstairs to Japanese Empire's room to rummage through her things without permission, you know, like any good sibling would, Germany looked at Kazakhstan. "Kas, truth or dare?"

Kazakhstan grinned. "Dare." Vietnam took another shot.

"I dare vu to fly vhile carrying someone."

Kazakhstan stood up and pulled Martial Law to his feet. "Let's go!" he exclaimed.

"Teka, ano—?! (Wait, what—?!)"

Martial didn't finish because he was swept off his feet by Kazakhstan and was carried away by the laughing country bridal-style. He desperately clung onto the Kaz as he ran outside and launched himself into the air, whooping joyfully.

"Isn't this fun?" Kazakhstan asked.

"Huwag mo ko ihulog! (Don't drop me!)" Martial screamed.

When Japan came back downstairs, Kazakhstan came back in the house with Martial. Martial was still clinging onto Kazakhstan for dear life while Kazakhstan tried not to laugh. Japan saw Martial and Kazakhstan and snorted.

"Where did you guys go?" she asked.

"I flew around with Martial Arts!" Kazakhstan gasped and pointed at Poland. "Wing gang!"

Poland smiled and pointed at Kazakhstan as Japan handcuffed him to Germany. "Wing gang!" The two of them flapped their wings, giggling like children.

"Poland, truth or dare?" Kazakhstan asked.

"Dare," Poland replied.

Kazakhstan grinned. "I dare you to flirt with Germany."

Poland looked at Germany and shrugged. "Okay." He slid off the armrest of the chair into Germany's lap and wrapped his free arm across Germany's torso. "Cześć przystojny. (Hello, handsome.)"

Germany smiled at Poland and happily kissed him on the lips. "Hallo mein Engel (Hello, my angel.)," he responded.

Everyone stared at them in silent shock before Russia yelled, "Что за Блядь?! (What the fuck?!)" at the same time Poland exclaimed, "Niemcy! (Germany!)"

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