Chapter Sixteen: A Smidge of Chaos

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long to publish! My parents kept bursting into my room and telling me to do stuff, intentionally or unintentionally giving me mini heart attacks every few hours or so.

But I got my work done, at least!

Also, I finished the celebration thing I mentioned in the last chapter! If you haven't seen it yet, check it out (only if you want to)!

Okay, now to the actual chapter.

The next day, America walked into the countryhumans building. Everyone had apparently been called in for a meeting, which America never would've found out about had it not been for Japan bursting into the room, panicking about how Singapore had texted her about a meeting they were supposed to attend that morning.

He was thankful for the wake-up call— America was able to go home, change into his work clothes, check in with his kids, and even had time to grab some coffee— but he didn't particularly enjoy waking up because of a shouting Japan and being shoved out of bed by a startled Russia.

Taking a sip of coffee from his travel mug, America pushed open the door and saw Britain and France sitting inside the room with Spain, Imperial Spain, Vietnam, EU, WHO, UN, NATO, and ASEAN.

America set his travel mug down at his seat and walked over to Britain and France. "Hi, Dad. Hi, maman (Mom)," he greeted them.

"Good morning, America," Britain replied.

"Bonjour, mon fils (Hello, my son)," France said, smiling at him. "How are you?"

America smiled back at her. "I'm good. What about you two?"

"We're good. Did you do anything yesterday?"

"Yeah, I went over to Japan's house."

"Oh, that sounds fun! Was anyone else there?"

"Yeah. There was Nada, Aussie, Zea, the Korea bros, China, Germs, Pol, Vietnam, the Filipino brothers, Mex, Ukraine, Bela, Kaz, and Russia."

America saw Britain and France side glance at each other before looking back at him. "Russia, you say?" Britain asked, his expression blank.

"Yeah. Anything wrong with that?"

"No, no. It's fine." Britain took a sip of his tea out of his teacup. How and why he had a teacup with him at work, America didn't know or care. It was Britain, for God's sake. You don't question things involving tea when it comes to Britain. "We've just noticed you've been spending a lot of time with him."

America rolled his eyes. "Tea Man, it's not what you think it is. Besides, Ruski's straight."

Britain scoffed and rolled his eyes as well. "Please, like that would stop you from liking him and going after him."

America sputtered. "Wha- I—" He looked to France for assistance.

France, much to his displeasure, nodded in agreement. "He does have a point, you know."

America opened his mouth to argue, but then sighed and put his face in his hands as he sat down in one of the chairs. "This is bad. I can't like him! But God, last night, he was acting like he might actually be into me, but he was drunk! He might not actually be into me! And even if he is, it's gonna so much work to get him to admit that he's not as straight as he thinks he is!"

France patted his shoulder. "Oh, pauvre chose (poor thing)."

"Don't worry, America. Things will turn out just fine in the end," Britain assured him. Unbeknownst to America, Britain sent France a wink. France grinned and nodded.

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