{24} 💕 Family Life - V 💕

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I made this just for you BoltBitch so cheer up you fuckin simp 🥺❤️

"Mummy! Mummy wake up already!!!" you groan and rub your eyes before opening them. You spot a small girl with long blue hair tapping you at the side of your bed. "Daddy's made us both breakfast and said I have to tell you to stop being a sleepyhead!"

Of course Jihyun used your 6 year old daughter to his advantage, if he'd woken you up he would've been hit with a pillow. Plus no one wants to deal with you first waking up.

"Okay baby, tell him I'll be there in a second." the girl runs out of the room, making you smile and turns towards the kitchen. You instead, grab your phone and get out of bed before brushing through your hair.

It's such a pain to do this twice a day, maybe I should just shave it off. Nah, shaving it seems like work. I am quite frankly too lazy.

You walk into the kitchen and see your daughter, Hinata, at the dining table colouring and swinging her feet while V is finishing breakfast.

(okay I just realised that's the name of a Naruto character but I didn't realise so ignore it) 😳

You sneak in, putting a finger to your mouth when Hinata looks at you and hug V from behind. He doesn't even react, being so used to you doing this but laughs at your attempt anyway.

"Good morning sleepyhead, glad to see you finally joined us!" you roll your eyes at his words and hide your head in his neck.

"Whatever, I miss when me sneaking behind you would scare you!" you sulk and hug him harder while he laughs at you again and finally finishes breakfast.

"Well, with a kid and a clingy wife like you. I guess you could say you get used to it," you sigh as he sets the plates at the table and take a seat next to Hinata, who was still drawing.

"Hinata, you can draw after breakfast. Just eat first, okay?" she frowns and stops colouring but refuses to eat the scrambled eggs V made.

You look at V and he looks back at you, raising an eyebrow. You shrug, you both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

We need to stop this before it becomes a strop.

"Hey! How about we go to the beach and find some rocks to paint or something?" you glare at as he says this. Now you have to go to the beach. He smiles innocently at you and looks back at Hinata.

She has a grin on her face and quickly starts eating her breakfast at this news. You kick Jihyun under the table and continue eating your breakfast. Suddenly Hinata starts speaking up and asks a... strange question?

"Daddy, what's pornhub?" you choke on your breakfast and share a look of shock with V.

Whom the fucketh.

"Baby, who told you about that?" you ask her shocked as she just keeps innocently eating her breakfast and smiling. V is just sat in shock and can't even say anything

"Uncle Saeyoung said Yoosung was watching it. Why can't we watch it?" it was V's turn to choke on his breakfast and you just glare at him.

"You can't watch pornhub baby, it's a bad website~" you get up and grab your phone as you say this. Why did you think letting Seven and Yoosung babysit Hinata when they can't even look after themselves was a good idea?

V just stares at your back nervously and keeps eating his breakfast with Hinata. Praying for the two of them, although not even God can save those boys now.

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